Jacoby, Crimes against nature: squatters, poachers, thieves, and the hidden history..., 2014.
- Item Type:
- book
- Title:
- Crimes against nature: squatters, poachers, thieves, and the hidden history of American conservation
- Jacoby, Karl (author)
- Place:
- Berkeley
- Date:
- 2014
- Bibliography:
- Jacoby, Karl: Crimes against nature: squatters, poachers, thieves, and the hidden history of American conservation. Berkeley 2014. Internet: https://books.google.de/books?id=QCsEAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=Crimes+against+Nature.+Squatters,+Poachers,+Thieves,+and+the+Hidden+History+of+American+Conservation.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj24PLbprDTAhUFmBoKHVpoCioQ6AEIJDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false. Zuletzt geprüft am: 19.4.2017.
- Own created bibliography:
- Jacoby, Karl: Crimes against nature: squatters, poachers, thieves, and the hidden history of American conservation. Berkeley 2014.