Copeland, ‚Straight from the Horses Mouth‘. Equine Memoirs and Autobiographies., 2013.
- Item Type:
- bookSection
- Title:
- ‚Straight from the Horses Mouth‘. Equine Memoirs and Autobiographies.
- Copeland, Marion W. (author)
- DeMello, Margo (editor)
- Place:
- New York
- Date:
- 2013
- Bibliography:
- Copeland, Marion W.: ‚Straight from the Horses Mouth‘. Equine Memoirs and Autobiographies. In: Speaking for Animals. Animal Autobiographical Writing. Hrsg. v. Margo DeMello. New York 2013. S. 179–191.
- Own created bibliography:
- Copeland, Marion W./DeMello, Margo: ‚Straight from the Horses Mouth‘. Equine Memoirs and Autobiographies.. New York 2013. S. 179-191.