Flusser, Vampyroteuthis infernalis: a treatise: with a report by the Institut..., 2012.
- Item Type:
- book
- Title:
- Vampyroteuthis infernalis: a treatise: with a report by the Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste
- Flusser, Vilém (author)
- Bec, Louis (author)
- Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste (contributor)
- Place:
- Minneapolis
- Date:
- 2012
- Bibliography:
- Flusser, Vilém/Bec, Louis: Vampyroteuthis infernalis: a treatise: with a report by the Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste. Minneapolis 2012.
- Own created bibliography:
- Flusser, Vilém/Bec, Louis/Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste: Vampyroteuthis infernalis: a treatise: with a report by the Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste. Minneapolis 2012.