Vitale, Affective Animal Ethics: Reflective Empathy, Attention and Knowledge Sub Specie..., 2022.
- Item Type:
- bookSection
- Title:
- Affective Animal Ethics: Reflective Empathy, Attention and Knowledge Sub Specie Aeternitatis
- Vitale, Augusto (editor)
- Pollo, Simone (editor)
- Aaltola, Elisa (author)
- Place:
- Cham
- Date:
- 2022
- Bibliography:
- Aaltola, Elisa: Affective Animal Ethics: Reflective Empathy, Attention and Knowledge Sub Specie Aeternitatis. In: Human/Animal Relationships in Transformation. Hrsg. v. Augusto Vitale/ Simone Pollo. Cham 2022. Internet: Zuletzt geprüft am: 15.8.2022. S. 67–89.
- Own created bibliography:
- Vitale, Augusto/Pollo, Simone/Aaltola, Elisa: Affective Animal Ethics: Reflective Empathy, Attention and Knowledge Sub Specie Aeternitatis. Cham 2022. S. 67-89.