Holmes, The old matyr of science. The frog in experimental physiology, 1993.
- Item Type:
- journalArticle
- Title:
- The old matyr of science. The frog in experimental physiology
- Holmes, Frederic L. (author)
- Place:
- Date:
- 1993
- Bibliography:
- Holmes, Frederic L.: The old matyr of science. The frog in experimental physiology. In: Journal of the History of Biology 26/2 (1993). Internet: https://www.jstor.org/stable/4331266?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents. S. 311–328.
- Own created bibliography:
- Holmes, Frederic L.: The old matyr of science. The frog in experimental physiology. Journal of the History of Biology 26. 1993. S. 311-328.