Davies, The Struggle for Existence, the Struggle for Domination, and the..., 2004.

Item Type:
The Struggle for Existence, the Struggle for Domination, and the Struggle for Justice: Animals and the Social in Theoore Dreiser´s "The Shining Slave Maker" and The Financier
Joensuu [Finland]
Davies, Jude: The Struggle for Existence, the Struggle for Domination, and the Struggle for Justice: Animals and the Social in Theoore Dreiser´s „The Shining Slave Maker“ and The Financier. In: Animal magic: essays on animals in the American imagination. Joensuu [Finland] 2004. S. 55–72.
Own created bibliography:
Davies, Jude: The Struggle for Existence, the Struggle for Domination, and the Struggle for Justice: Animals and the Social in Theoore Dreiser´s "The Shining Slave Maker" and The Financier. Joensuu [Finland] 2004. S. 55-72.