Kean, Representing animals in the literature of Victorian Britain, 2018.
- Item Type:
- bookSection
- Title:
- Representing animals in the literature of Victorian Britain
- Kean, Hilda (editor)
- Howell, Philip (editor)
- McDonnell, Jennifer (author)
- Place:
- New York
- Date:
- 2018
- Bibliography:
- McDonnell, Jennifer: Representing animals in the literature of Victorian Britain. In: The Routledge Companion to Animal-Human History. Hrsg. v. Hilda Kean/ Philip Howell. New York 2018. Internet: Zuletzt geprüft am: 4.6.2020. S. 222–250.
- Own created bibliography:
- Kean, Hilda/Howell, Philip/McDonnell, Jennifer: Representing animals in the literature of Victorian Britain. New York 2018. S. 222-250.