Book published in 2005
Found 102 books from the year 2005
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- Alberti, Owning and Collecting Natural Objects in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2005.
- Anderson, Pernicious Portrayals: The Impact of Children's Attachment to Animals of..., 2005.
- As-Safa', Mensch und Tier vor dem König der Dschinnen. Aus den..., 2005.
- Asúa, A new world of animals: early modern Europeans on the..., 2005.
- Baranzke, Tierethik, Tiernatur und Moralanthropologie im Kontext von § 17, Tugendlehre., 2005.
- Beckman, The Swedish Museum of Natural History and the “Linaean Tradition”, 2005.
- Beetz, Bestiality and zoophilia: sexual relations with animals, 2005.
- Beretta, From private to public: natural collections and museums, 2005.
- Berrettini, Danger! Danger! Danger!, or When Animals Might Attack: The Adventure..., 2005.
- Berry, Long-term Outcomes in Animal Hoarding Cases, 2005.
- Bieder, Bear, 2005.
- Billeter, Hunde und ihre Maler: zwischen Tizians Aristokraten und Picassos Gauklern, 2005.
- Blühm, Fierce friends: artists and animals, 1750-1900 ; [exhibition Van Gogh..., 2005.
- Boxall, Beyond Orthodoxy, 2005.
- Browne, Do Collections Make the Collector? Charles Darwin in Context, 2005.
- Brundiek, Raabes Antworten auf Darwin: Beobachtungen an der Schnittstelle von Diskursen, 2005.
- Bulliet, Hunters, herders, and hamburgers: the past and future of human-animal..., 2005.
- Burkhardt, Patterns of behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the founding..., 2005.
- Burt, John Berger's >>Why look at Animals<<. A close-reading, 2005.
- Carneiro, The Museum of the Geological Survey of Portugal. The Role..., 2005.
- Carprari, Animal and Robot. Mixed societies. Building cooperation between microrobots and..., 2005.
- Daston, Intelligences, 2005.
- Daston, Introduction, 2005.
- Daston, Thinking with animals: new perspectives on anthropomorphism, 2005.
- Davidson, Rationale Lebewesen [1982], 2005.
- Deleuze, 1730 - Intensiv-Werden, Tier-Werden, Unwahrnehmbar-Werden..., 2005.
- Doniger, Zoomorphism in Ancient India: Humans More Bestial Than the Beasts, 2005.
- Dwyer, Person, Place or Pig. Animal Attachments and Human Transactions in..., 2005.
- Dwyer, Yann Martel's Life of Pi and the Evolution of the..., 2005.
- Eskildsen, Nützlich, süss und museal - das fotografierte Tier: [anlässlich der..., 2005.
- Fietze, Im Gefolge Dianas: Frauen und höfische Jagd im Mittelalter (1200-1500), 2005.
- Fischer, Lessing and the Fable, 2005.
- Fischer, Tierstrafen und Tierprozesse - zur sozialen Konstruktion von Rechtssubjekten, 2005.
- Franklin, Animal rights and moral philosophy, 2005.
- Garner, The political theory of animal rights, 2005.
- Glock, Begriffliche Probleme und das Problem der Begriffe, 2005.
- Gradmann, Das Maß der Krankheit. Das pathologische Tierexperiment in der medizinischen..., 2005.
- Grasseni, Designer Cows. The Practice of Cattle Breeding Between Skill and..., 2005.
- Gómez López, Natural Collections in the Spanish Renaissance, 2005.
- Harder, Leviathan, 2005.
- Heath, The talking Greeks: speech, animals, and the other in Homer,..., 2005.
- Herda-Rapp, Mad about wildlife: looking at social conflict over wildlife, 2005.
- Hörisch, Das Tier, das es nicht gibt: eine Text- & Bildcollage..., 2005.
- Jenni, The Power of the Visual, 2005.
- Jennison, Animals for show and pleasure in ancient Rome, 2005.
- Kahn, Reconsidering Zoë and Bios: A Brief Comment on Nathan Snaza’s..., 2005.
- Koselleck, Der Aufbruch in die Moderne oder das Ende des Pferdezeitalters., 2005.
- Kramer, Digital Beasts as Visual Esperanto:, 2005.
- Kreilkamp, Petted Things: Wuthering Heights and the Animal, 2005.
- Labarrière, La condition animale. Études sur Aristote et les Stoiciens., 2005.
- Latour, Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory, 2005.
- Leondarakis, Ungleichbehandlung von Nutz- und Heimtieren im deutschen Recht? [Gutachten], 2005.
- Linzey, Gays and the future of Anglicanism: responses to the Windsor..., 2005.
- Lovejoy, Die große Kette der Wesen: Geschichte eines Gedankens, 2005.
- Maerker, Uses and Publics of the Anatomical Model Collections of La..., 2005.
- Malcolm, Gedankenlose Tiere, 2005.
- Marchesini, Fondamenti di zooantropologia, 2005.
- Mason, Civilized creatures: urban animals, sentimental culture, and American literature, 1850-1900, 2005.
- McMahan, Our fellow creatures, 2005.
- Meinel, Re-Humanizing a Sleeping Beauty. A Historian`s Vision of Natural History..., 2005.
- Milton, Anthropomorphism or Egomorphism? The Perception of Non-human Persons by Human..., 2005.
- Mitchell, Anthropomorphism and Cross-Species Modeling, 2005.
- Mitman, Pachyderm Personalities:, 2005.
- Munro, Confronting cruelty: moral orthodoxy and the challenge of the animal..., 2005.
- Nelson, Make prayers to the raven: a Koyukon view of the..., 2005.
- Niegelhell, Vom fleischfressenden Rotkäppchen zum Wolf in der Frau: Versionen und..., 2005.
- Novek, Pigs and People. Sociological Perspectives on the Discipline of Nonhuman..., 2005.
- Oeser, Katze und Mensch: die Geschichte einer Beziehung, 2005.
- Ormond, The monarch of the glen: Landseer in the Highlands, 2005.
- Papineau, Die Evolution des Zweck-Mittel Denkens, 2005.
- Pflugfelder, JAPANimals: history and culture in Japan's animal life, 2005.
- Pollock, Figuring animals: essays on animal images in art, literature, philosophy,..., 2005.
- Raber, The culture of the horse: status, discipline, and identity in..., 2005.
- Rödl, Kategorien des Zeitlichen: eine Untersuchung der Formen des endlichen Verstandes, 2005.
- Römhild, Belly'chen ist Trumpf: poetische und andere Hunde im 19. Jahrhundert, 2005.
- Schmideler, Das Leben der Vögel (1861): Zur Anthropomorphisierung bei Tiervater Alfred..., 2005.
- Serpell, People in Disguise:, 2005.
- Shapiro, Toward a Critical Theory of Animal Issues in Fiction, 2005.
- Shelton, Putting Women in Their Place: Gender, Species, and Hierarchy in..., 2005.
- Siegel, Reflections on Anthropomorphism in The Disenchanted Forest, 2005.
- Simon, Taste, Order and Aesthetics in Eighteenth-Century Mineral Collections, 2005.
- Smith, Sensory Experience as Consciousness in Literary Representations of Animal Minds., 2005.
- Sober, Comparative Psychology Meets Evolutionary Biology:, 2005.
- Sonntag, Die Seele und das Wissen vom Lebenden. Zur Entstehung der..., 2005.
- Soper, The Beast in Literature. Some Initial Thoughts, 2005.
- Spary, Pierre Pomet's Parisian Cabinet: Revisiting the Invisible and the Visible..., 2005.
- Stockhammer, Warum der Wal ein Fisch ist: Melvilles Moby-Dick und die..., 2005.
- Stutesman, Snake, 2005.
- Sullivan, Rats: observations on the history and habitat of the city's..., 2005.
- Svanberg, Great Northern Diver (Gavia immer) in Circumpolar Folk Ornithology, 2005.
- Taylor, Luddites or Limits? Animal Rights Activists Attitudes Towards Science, 2005.
- Terrace, The missing link in cognition: origins of self-reflective consciousness, 2005.
- Thompson, Becoming animal: contemporary art in the animal kingdom, 2005.
- Tosi, Wunderkammer vs. Museum? Natural History and Collecting during the Renaissance, 2005.
- Vitebsky, Reindeer people: living with animals and spirits in Siberia, 2005.
- Voss, Zoologische Gärten, Tiermaler und die Wissenschaft vom Tier im 19...., 2005.
- Walker, The lost wolves of Japan, 2005.
- White, The Experimental Animal in Victorian Britain, 2005.
- Wien Museum, Tiere in der Grossstadt: [321. Sonderausstellung des Wien Museums, 21...., 2005.
- Wilczek, Von Schoßhunden und anderen possierlichen Artgenossen. Zur Tiersemantik in Fontanes..., 2005.
- Williams, Naked Creatures: Robinson Crusoe, The Beast, and The Sovereign, 2005.
- Wolf, Tierethik: neue Perspektiven für Menschen und Tiere, 2005.