Book published in 2007
Found 183 books from the year 2007
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- Aftandilian, What are the animals to us?: approaches from science, religion,..., 2007.
- Albarella, Pigs and humans: 10,000 years of interaction, 2007.
- Aloi, A New Entomology Display Cabinet?, 2007.
- Aloi, Animals of a Parallel Dimension, 2007.
- Aloi, Becoming Culture, 2007.
- Aloi, Cricket Call – Communication Between Insects and Humans, 2007.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Marcus Coates, 2007.
- Aloi, In Conversation With Tessa Farmer, 2007.
- Aloi, Introducing Siamese Fighting Fish, 2007.
- Aloi, I’m Not a Plastic Bag, 2007.
- Aloi, Marcus Coates – Becoming Animal, 2007.
- Aloi, Picasso’s Animals: Histoire Naturelle, 2007.
- Aloi, Talking Insects – Eric Brown, 2007.
- Aloi, The Contemporary Uneasiness With Entomology Displays, 2007.
- Aloi, The Horse as a Resilient Signifier – In Conversation with..., 2007.
- Aloi, The Humble Hand’s Cunning Craft Might Deceive the Eye, 2007.
- Aloi, We Are What We Do – Excusive Interview, 2007.
- Amundson, The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought: roots..., 2007.
- Balke, Wölfe, Schafe, Ochsen. Nietzsche und die liberale Zoologie, 2007.
- Beck, Benefits of Animal Contact, 2007.
- Beetz, Hydra. Die Süßwasserpolypen und ihre Sprößlinge in der Anthropologie der..., 2007.
- Beinart, Transhumance, Animal Diseases and Environment in the Cape, South Africa, 2007.
- Bekoff, Encyclopedia of human-animal relationships: a global exploration of our connections..., 2007.
- Bekoff, The emotional lives of animals: a leading scientist explores animal..., 2007.
- Bellamy, It-Narrators and Circulation: Defining a Subgenre., 2007.
- Best, Introducing Critical Animal Studies, 2007.
- Best, The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: New, Improved, and ACLU-Approved, 2007.
- Bierne, A Note on Pedagogy: Humane Education Making a Difference, 2007.
- Birke, The Sacrifice. How Scientific Experiments Transform Animals and People, 2007.
- Blackwell, Hackwork: It-Narratives and Iteration., 2007.
- Blackwell, The secret life of things: animals, objects, and it-narratives in..., 2007.
- Blühm, Tierschau: wie unser Bild vom Tier entstand, 2007.
- Borgards, Katze, Hund und Bradypus. Raabes Stopfkuchen als Tiergeschichte, 2007.
- Borgards, Wolf, Mensch, Hund. Theriotopologie in Brehms Tierleben und Storms Aquis..., 2007.
- Borgards, Wolfs-Notstand: zum Bann der Bestie in Storms "Zur Chronik von..., 2007.
- Borgna, And They All Lived Happily Ever After, 2007.
- Brantz, The Domestication of Empire. Human-Animal Relations in the Intersection of..., 2007.
- Brassley, Cutting accross nature? The history of artificial insemination in pigs..., 2007.
- Brunner, Bears: a brief history, 2007.
- Bühler, Sprechende Tiere, politische Katzen: Vom "Gestiefelten Kater" und seinen Nachkommen, 2007.
- Cambefort, A Sacred Insect on the Margins, 2007.
- Cassidy, Horse people: thoroughbred culture in Lexington and Newmarket, 2007.
- Chambers, Jumbo: the greatest elephant in the world, 2007.
- Chittka, Insects as Art Lovers: Bees for Van Gogh, 2007.
- Clutton-Brock, How domestic animals have shaped the development of human societies, 2007.
- Coutts, The Unholy Insect, 2007.
- De Baere, Représentation et visualisation dans l’Histoire naturelle de Buffon., 2007.
- DeMello, The present and future of animal domestication, 2007.
- Dodson, Culture in the Wild: Utopian Fantasy or Practical Necessity?, 2007.
- Dolin, Leviathan: the history of whaling in America, 2007.
- Donald, Picturing animals in Britain, 1750-1850, 2007.
- Donovan, Attention to Suffering. Sympathy as basis for ethical treatment of..., 2007.
- Donovan, Caring to Dialogue. Feminism and the Treatment of Animals, 2007.
- Donovan, The feminist care tradition in animal ethics: a reader, 2007.
- D’Arcy, Deliberative Democracy, Direct Action, and Animal Advocacy, 2007.
- Eke, Menschen/Affen. On a figure in Goethe, Herder and Adorno, 2007.
- Eke, Texte, Tiere, Spuren, 2007.
- Enenkel, Early modern zoology: the construction of animals in science, literature..., 2007.
- Enenkel, Zur Konstituierung der Zoologie als Wissenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit:..., 2007.
- Francione, Animal Rights and Domesticated Nonhumans, 2007.
- Frank, Erik Kessels’ Found Animals, 2007.
- Frank, From Nature to Form, 2007.
- Frank, Silver Wings and Golden Scales, 2007.
- Frank, Still Mending Spiderwebs?, 2007.
- Frank, The Forestry Commission: Conceptual-Recycling, 2007.
- Frank, Why Not Eat Insects?, 2007.
- Franklin, Dolly mixtures: the remaking of genealogy, 2007.
- Fudge, The British Animal Studies Network, 2007.
- Fögen, Antike Zeugnisse zu Kommunikationsformen von Tieren., 2007.
- Ganzatova, Karakul, 2007.
- Gordon, Bugs Eating: Images of Entomophagy in Mass Media, 2007.
- Hager, Wie die Literatur auf den Hund kommt: zur Praxis der..., 2007.
- Hall, The Marquis Collection: Amateur Obsession and Junk Science, 2007.
- Haraway, Hunde mit Mehrwert und lebendiges Kapital, 2007.
- Hearne, Adam's task: calling animals by name, 2007.
- Heiden, Politische Zoologie, 2007.
- Hengerer, Die Katze in der Frühen Neuzeit. Stationen auf dem Weg..., 2007.
- Hobson, Political animals? On animals as subjects in an enlarged political..., 2007.
- Hofmann, Philosophische Tierblicke: Zoographische Spurensuche bei Derrida., 2007.
- Hohmann, Alfred Brehm. Der Tiervater aus Thüringen., 2007.
- Holloway, Exploring biopower in the regulation of farm animal bodies. Genetic..., 2007.
- Holloway, Subjecting Cows to Robots: Farming Technologies and the Making of..., 2007.
- Honegger, Tier und Religion, 2007.
- Hribal, Animals, Agency, and Class: Writing the History of Animals from..., 2007.
- Hunter, An Interview With Catherine Chalmers, 2007.
- Hunter, It’s Not Like We Can Make New Ones, 2007.
- Hunter, You Don’t Need to Emerge, 2007.
- Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tierethik, Tierrechte: eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, 2007.
- Jensen, As the world burns: 50 simple things you can do..., 2007.
- Joger, Schlangen und Drachen: Kunst und Natur ; Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum..., 2007.
- Johach, Der Bienenstaat. Geschichte eines politisch-moralischen Exempels, 2007.
- Johach, ‚Schicksalvolles Zauberbild‘. Maurice Maeterlincks Leben der Bienen zwischen Wissenschaft und..., 2007.
- Jones, Aftershock: confronting trauma in a violent world: a guide for..., 2007.
- Kalof, A cultural history of animals in antiquity, 2007.
- Kalof, A cultural history of animals in the medieval age, 2007.
- Kalof, Looking at animals in human history, 2007.
- Kalof, The Animals Reader. The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings, 2007.
- Kean, The moment of greyfriars Bobby. The changing cultural position of..., 2007.
- Kemmerer, Jewish Ethics and Nonhuman Animals, 2007.
- Kemp, The human animal in Western art and science, 2007.
- KesselsKramer, Do a Plastic Bag, 2007.
- Kheel, The Liberation of Nature. A circular Affair, 2007.
- Kiser, Animals in medieval sports, entertainment, and menageries, 2007.
- Kunzmann, Die Würde des Tieres: zwischen Leerformel und Prinzip, 2007.
- Latour, Eine neue Soziologie für eine neue Gesellschaft. Einführung in die..., 2007.
- Lawlor, This is not sufficient: an essay on animality and human..., 2007.
- Lemke, Die Natur der Soziologie. Versuch einer Positionsbestimmung, 2007.
- Leskosky, The Real Millenium Bug: Giant Arthropods Films in the 21st..., 2007.
- Lin, The Roach is Us is Not Us, 2007.
- Lurz, In defense of wordless thoughts about thoughts, 2007.
- Lutts, Nature Fakers., 2007.
- Macho, Gute Hirten, schlechte Hirten. Zu einem Leitmotiv politischer Zoologie, 2007.
- Mangum, Animal Angst: Victorians Memorialize Their Pets, 2007.
- Margodt, Zoos and Aquariums. Animal welfare, animal rights, and conservation at..., 2007.
- Markman, Sufferings Things: Lapdogs, Slaves, and Counter-Sensibility., 2007.
- McDowell, Lev Tolstoy and the Freedom to Choose One’s Own Path, 2007.
- McFadden, Sport and Animals, 2007.
- McGoldrick, Six Hundred Miles in Search of a Sea Eagle, 2007.
- Morse, Victorian animal dreams: representations of animals in Victorian literature and..., 2007.
- Murray, From birds of paradise to drosophila. The changing roles of..., 2007.
- Nadasdy, The gift of the animal. The ontology of hunting and..., 2007.
- Newen, Animal minds and the possession of concepts, 2007.
- Nocella, Unmasking the Animal Liberation Front Using Critical Pedagogy: Seeing the..., 2007.
- Nussbaum, Frontiers of justice: disability, nationality, species membership, 2007.
- O'Connor, Thinking About Beastly Bodies, 2007.
- Oeser, Pferd und Mensch: die Geschichte einer Beziehung, 2007.
- Paparella, The Victorian Animal: A Bird’s Eye View, 2007.
- Pascua, From forest to farm and town. Domestic animals from ca...., 2007.
- Pemberton, Mad dogs and Englishmen: rabies in Britain, 1830-2000, 2007.
- Perlo, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Arguments: Strategies for Promoting Animal Rights, 2007.
- Perlo, Should Anti-Vivisectionists Boycott Animal-Tested Medicines?, 2007.
- Phelps, The longest struggle: animal advocacy from Pythagoras to PETA, 2007.
- Pickeral, Das Pferd: 30.000 Jahre Pferde in der Kunst, 2007.
- Pinker, The language instinct: how the mind creates language, 2007.
- Pluskowski, Breaking and shaping beastly bodies: animals as material culture in..., 2007.
- Podberscek, Dogs and Cats as Food in Asia, 2007.
- Raber, From Sheep to meet, from pets to people. Animal domestication..., 2007.
- Rader, Scientific animals. Reflections on the laboratory and its human-animal relations,..., 2007.
- Regan, Die Tierrechtsdebatte, 2007.
- Resl, Introduction. Animals in culture, ca. 1000 - ca. 1400, 2007.
- Rinaldo, Augmented Fish Reality, 2007.
- Ritvo, On the Animal Turn., 2007.
- Robinson, Entirely Plausible Hybrids of Humans and Insects, 2007.
- Rohr, Zum Umgang mit Tierplagen im Alpenraum in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2007.
- Roof, The poetics of DNA, 2007.
- Rosenthal, Animals Love Theatre, 2007.
- Ryder, Australian Alchemy, 2007.
- Sample, Geoff Sample – The Recording of Dawn Chorus, 2007.
- Samuels, Biophilia, 2007.
- Samuels, Blood Sports and Animals, 2007.
- Sarasin, Bakteriologie und Moderne: Studien zur Biopolitik des Unsichtbaren ; 1870..., 2007.
- Sarsfield, Putting a Pin Through Beauty, 2007.
- Savage-Rumbaugh, Welfare of Ape in Captive Enviroments. Comments On, and By,..., 2007.
- Schmidt, Die Tücken der Verwandtschaft. Goethes Reineke Fuchs, 2007.
- Schneider, Das Notariat der Hunde. Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Kynologie., 2007.
- Schreier, Auf der andren Seite des Kosmos. Wenn die Katze stirbt, 2007.
- Schweitzer, Kulturphilosophie: Verfall und Wiederaufbau der Kultur ; Kultur und Ethik, 2007.
- Selter, Jagd, 2007.
- Senior, A cultural history of animals in the age of enlightenment, 2007.
- Siderfin, Hibernator: Prince of the Petrified Forest, 2007.
- Silvey, From Cellulose to Steel, 2007.
- Simmons, Knowing animals, 2007.
- Skogen, Wolves in Context: Using Survey Data to Situate Attitudes Within..., 2007.
- Sleigh, Six legs better: a cultural history of myrmecology, 2007.
- Soutter, Karen Knorr’s Fables, 2007.
- Spencer, Where You Find It, 2007.
- Stackelberg, La Fontaine als Ethologe, 2007.
- Stuart, The bloodless revolution: a cultural history of vegetarianism from 1600..., 2007.
- Svanberg, Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) in Sweden in the 1740s, 2007.
- Sykes, Taking Sides: The Social Life of Venison in Medieval England, 2007.
- Sztybel, Animal Rights Law: Fundamentalism versus Pragmatism, 2007.
- Tsutsui, Looking Straight at Them! Understanding the Big Bug Movies of..., 2007.
- Tyler, Quia Ego Nominor Leo: Barthes, Stereotypes and Aesop's Animals, 2007.
- Velten, Cow, 2007.
- Vint, Speciesism and Species Being in Do Androids Dream of Electric..., 2007.
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Country pursuits: British, American, and French sporting art from the..., 2007.
- Vogl, Das charismatische Tier, 2007.
- Voss, Darwins Bilder: Ansichten der Evolutionstheorie 1837 bis 1874, 2007.
- Walker, The good life for non-human animals. What virtue requires of..., 2007.
- Walther, Hundehaltung, 2007.
- Wemelsfelder, How Animals Communicate Quality of Life. The Qualitive Assessment of..., 2007.
- White, In Defense of Dolphins. The New Moral Frontier, 2007.
- Wischermann, Von Katzen und Menschen: Sozialgeschichte auf leisen Sohlen, 2007.