Book published in 2010
Found 209 books from the year 2010
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- Aaltola, Coetzee and Alternative Animal Ethics, 2010.
- Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat (20th Anniversary Edition): a Feminist-Vegetarian..., 2010.
- Adams, The War on Compassion, 2010.
- Alhadeff, Meat: Digesting the Stranger Within, 2010.
- Allen, Otter, 2010.
- Aloi, Ein Haus-A House for Pigs and People, 2010.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Carsten Höller, 2010.
- Aloi, The Problematic Exposure of Flesh, 2010.
- Aloi, Zhang Huan: Zhu Gangqiang, 2010.
- Ammer, Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt: Analyse und Lösungsansätze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, ökologischer..., 2010.
- Anderson, The ‘Ethics’ of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy, 2010.
- Anker, From Bauhaus to ecohouse: a history of ecological design, 2010.
- Arluke, Beauty and the beast: human-animal relations as revealed in real..., 2010.
- Austin, Illustrating Animals for the Working Classes: The Penny Magazine (1832–1845), 2010.
- Baker, Steve Baker – Nortfolk Roadkill, Mainly, 2010.
- Baratay, Les socio-anthropologues et les animaux. Réflexions d’un historien pour un..., 2010.
- Becker, Tier, Tiere, 2010.
- Benson, Wired wilderness: technologies of tracking and the making of modern..., 2010.
- Bies, Tiermärchen, 2010.
- Boehrer, Animal characters: nonhuman beings in early modern literature, 2010.
- Boissonneault, Every living being: representations of nonhuman animals in the exploration..., 2010.
- Born, Von wunderbaren Gärten und Tieren im Märchen Didaktisch-methodische Möglichkeiten unter..., 2010.
- Braithwaite, Do Fish Feel Pain?, 2010.
- Brantz, Beastly natures: animals, humans, and the study of history, 2010.
- Brantz, Das Tier in der Geschichte und die Geschichte der Tiere, 2010.
- Brantz, Einleitung. Das Tier in der Geschichte und die Geschichte der..., 2010.
- Brantz, Tierische Geschichte: die Beziehung von Mensch und Tier in der..., 2010.
- Breeze Harper, Race as a “Feeble Matter” in Veganism: Interrogating whiteness, geopolitical..., 2010.
- Britz, The Acorn Pig Project, 2010.
- Broglio, Heide Hatry on Skin and Meat, 2010.
- Broglio, Meat Matters, 2010.
- Brown, Healing the herds: disease, livestock economies, and the globalization of..., 2010.
- Brucker, Tierrechte und Friedensbewegung. ‚Radikale Ethik‘ und gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt in der..., 2010.
- Burgat, Penser le comportement animal: contribution à une critique du réductionnisme, 2010.
- Caccavale, Elio Caccavale: A Pig Saved My Life, 2010.
- Calkins, How Is It Then with the Whale? Using Scientific Data..., 2010.
- Campbell, Nature as historical protagonist: environment and society in pre-industrial England, 2010.
- Carnell, Hare, 2010.
- Center of Abolitionist Studies for Animal Liberation, ! For the abolition of the bullfight, the people took..., 2010.
- Cochrane, An introduction to animals and political theory, 2010.
- Cohn, "No insignificant creature": Thomas Hardy's Ethical Turn, 2010.
- Colloque International en Droit Animal au Canada, Premier Colloque International en Droit Animal au Canada l'Animal dans..., 2010.
- Costa, Pigeonblog, 2010.
- Costlow, Other animals: beyond the human in Russian culture and history, 2010.
- Crews, And Say The Bakemono Responded: Animism, Derrida and the Question..., 2010.
- Cudworth, ‘The Recipe for Love’? Continuities and Changes in the Sexual..., 2010.
- Dalke, Mustang: The Paradox of Imagery, 2010.
- Dawn, Converging Convictions:, 2010.
- Deckard, Irony and Belief in Elizabeth Costello, 2010.
- Deckha, Feminism, Intersectionality and the Capabilities Approach for Animals, 2010.
- Deckha, The Subhuman as a Cultural Agent of Violence, 2010.
- Delafenêtre, The Divided Kingdom: Inconsistency in the UK Legislation Restricting the..., 2010.
- Delfour, Conscience, souffrance et bien-être de l'animal-objet, 2010.
- Dell’Aversano, The Love Whose Name Cannot be Spoken: Queering the Human-Animal..., 2010.
- DeMello, Teaching the animal: human-animal studies across the disciplines, 2010.
- Derrida, Das Tier, das ich also bin, 2010.
- Doria, Mammal Thoughts, 2010.
- Düwel, Tierepik., 2010.
- Emmer, Kraken: Fact Or Fiction?, 2010.
- Estok, Narrativizing Science: The Ecocritical Imagination and Ecophobia, 2010.
- Faroqhi, Animals and people in the Ottoman Empire, 2010.
- Feller, Der Einfluss von Jagdhunden auf Charles Darwins Theorie der Selektion., 2010.
- fieldclub, Whey to Go: on the Hominid Appropriation of the Pig..., 2010.
- Fitzgerald, A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary..., 2010.
- Fitzgerald, Media Constructions of Responsibility for the Production and Mitigation of..., 2010.
- Flynn, A Sociological Analysis of Animal Abuse, 2010.
- Flynn, The Lives of Animals and the Form-Content Connection, 2010.
- Francione, The animal rights debate: abolition or regulation?, 2010.
- Freeman, Paper tiger: a visual history of the thylacine, 2010.
- Frenais, Nicolas Primat: An Artist Between Species, 2010.
- Frenais, Wildchild, 2010.
- Gebhard, Phantasie und Symbol Zur Bedeutung anthropomorpher Naturinterpretationen in Märchen, 2010.
- Gebhardt, Glückssymbole und Ungeheuer-Tiere in Märchen und Sagen, 2010.
- Geiger, Writing the Lives of Animals, 2010.
- Gigliotti, Heartburn: Indigestion, Contention and Animals in Contemporary Art, 2010.
- Gissibl, Das kolonisierte Tier. Zur Ökologie der Kontaktzone des deutschen Kolonialismus, 2010.
- Glock, Can animals judge?, 2010.
- Grebowicz, When Species Meat: Confronting Bestiality Pornography, 2010.
- Griem, Monkey Business: Affen als Figuren anthropologischer und ästhetischer Reflexion, 1800-2000, 2010.
- Griffiths, "The Tame from the Wild": Handling Political Economies of Life..., 2010.
- Grimm, Das moralphilosophische Experiment: John Deweys Methode empirischer Untersuchungen als Modell..., 2010.
- Hall, Enki-Human to Fish Communication, 2010.
- Haraway, When Animals Look Back, 2010.
- Harper, Sistah vegan: black female vegans speak on food, identity, health,..., 2010.
- Heimannsberg, Brehm Reiseleben. Zwischen Eismeer und Äquator. Mit dem großen Tierforscher..., 2010.
- Heindrichs, „Laßt die Tiere in Frieden, ich leids nicht, daß ihr..., 2010.
- Heise, Nach der Natur: das Artensterben und die moderne Kultur, 2010.
- Herberth, Die Kröte im Märchen - interdisziplinär betrachtet Deutungen, Missverständnisse, Anthropomorphismen, 2010.
- Hillsburg, My Pet Needs Philosophy: Ambiguity, Capabilities and the Welfare of..., 2010.
- Hoarau, Entre anthropologie et politique: les animaux de La Fontaine, 2010.
- Hobgood-Oster, The friends we keep: unleashing Christianity's compassion for animals, 2010.
- Hoppe, Zur Rolle des Hundes bei der Liebeswerbung auf attischen Vasenbildern..., 2010.
- Houston, Attitudes Toward Wolves in the United States and Canada: A..., 2010.
- Huggan, Postcolonial Ecocriticism. Literature, Animals, Environment, 2010.
- Irwin, Camel, 2010.
- Isenberg, The destruction of the bison: an environmental history, 1750-1920, 2010.
- Iveson, Animals in Looking-Glass World: Fables of Überhumanism and Posthumanism in..., 2010.
- Jackson, Lion, 2010.
- Jones, Concern for animals: from a Catholic perspective, 2010.
- Kalof, Cultural Representations of Problem Animals in National Geographic, 2010.
- Kemmerer, Limited Funds: Assessing Rescues and Sanctuaries, 2010.
- Kibbie, Circulating Anti-Semitism: Charles Johnstone’s Chrysal., 2010.
- Kirksey, The Emergency of Multispecies Ethnography, 2010.
- Kogler, The Pig Trilogy, 2010.
- Kompatscher-Gufler, Tiere als Freunde im Mittelalter: eine Anthologie, 2010.
- Krajewski, Die Hyäne: Lesarten eines politischen Tiers, 2010.
- Kraß, Meerjungfrauen: Geschichten einer unmöglichen Liebe, 2010.
- Köhler, Märchenhafte Tier- und Pflanzenwelt: Aspekte interdisziplinärer Märchendidaktik, 2010.
- Lamey, Sympathy and Scapegoating in J. M. Coetzee, 2010.
- Lee, Reading Meat in H. G. Wells, 2010.
- Leist, J.M. Coetzee and ethics: philosophical perspectives on literature, 2010.
- Lockwood, Counting Cruelty. Challenges and Opportunities in Assessing Animal Abuse and..., 2010.
- Love, Shakespeare's Origin of Species and Darwin's Tempest, 2010.
- Lovitz, Muzzling a movement: the effects of anti-terrorism law, money, and..., 2010.
- Lulka, To Turn: California's Proposition 2 and the Ethics of Animal..., 2010.
- Lundberg, Stone loach in Stockholm, Sweden, and royal fish-ponds in the..., 2010.
- Mabille, La ménagerie de Versailles, 2010.
- Macdonald, Three Films on Hawks and Men, 2010.
- Malamud, Animals in Film, 2010.
- Marchesini, Alterity and the Non-human, 2010.
- Marjanić, The Zoostage as Another Ethical Misfiring: The spectacle of the..., 2010.
- Martinelli, A Critical Companion to Zoosemiotics, 2010.
- Mayeri, New Directions in Primate Cinema, 2010.
- McHugh, Being Out of Time: Animal Gods in Contemporary Extinction Fictions, 2010.
- McHugh, Clever Pigs, Failing Piggeries, 2010.
- McInerney, The cattle of the sun: cows and culture in the..., 2010.
- Meindertsma, Christien Meindertsma: Pig 05049, 2010.
- Meli, The representation of animals in the early modern period, 2010.
- Michalska, Spider, 2010.
- Mizelle, The Disappearance (and slight return) of Pigs in American Cities, 2010.
- Montgomery, History from Below: Animals as Historical Subjects, 2010.
- Moore, This Little Piggy, 2010.
- Mortimer-Sandilands, Queer ecologies: sex, nature, politics, desire, 2010.
- Müller-Tamm, Der Wolf in der Fabel: experimentelle Selbstfiktionalisierung bei Johann Wilhelm..., 2010.
- Mütherich, Soziologische Aspekte des Speziesismus, 2010.
- Nessel, Medialität der Tiere. Zur Produktion von Präsenz am Beispiel von..., 2010.
- Nickol, Pflanzen im Märchen: Einblick in die Biodiversitä, 2010.
- Nimmo, Milk, modernity and the making of the human: purifying the..., 2010.
- Nocella, Abolition a Multi-Tactical Movement Strategy, 2010.
- Nocella, Healing Our Cuts, 2010.
- Orozco, ‘Never Work with Children and Animals’: Risk, mistake and the..., 2010.
- O’Reilly, Kira O’Reilly: Inthewrongplaceness, 2010.
- Palmer, Animal ethics in context, 2010.
- Parikka, Insect media: an archaeology of animals and technology, 2010.
- Parry, Gender and slaughter in popular gastronomy, 2010.
- Payne, The animal part: human and other animals in the poetic..., 2010.
- Pearson, Does the Animal exist? Toward a Theory of social Life..., 2010.
- Pearson, Gibt es das Tier? Soziotheoretische Reflexionen, 2010.
- Pedersen, Terror From the Stare: Visual Landscapes of Meat Production, 2010.
- Peled, The Biomechanics of Objects, 2010.
- Pigliucci, Evolution, the extended synthesis, 2010.
- Pique, The Return of the Animal Man, 2010.
- Pollock, The Cannibal-Animal Complex in Melville, Marx, and Beyond, 2010.
- Potts, The Politics of Carol J. Adams, 2010.
- Regan, Other nations: animals in modern literature, 2010.
- Ritvo, Noble cows and hybrid zebras: essays on animals and history, 2010.
- Roscher, Engagement und Emanzipation. Frauen in der englischen Tierschutzbewegung, 2010.
- Rose, Fabeltheorien des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im Spannungsfeld von Didaktik, Ästhetik und..., 2010.
- Roth, Tier, Tiere, 2010.
- Rowlands, Der Philosoph und der Wolf: was ein wildes Tier uns..., 2010.
- Rule, Indexical Humans, Iconic Animals, 2010.
- Ryder, Speciesism Again. The Orginal Leaflet, 2010.
- Salomon, From Marginal Cases to Linked Oppressions: Reframing the Conflict between..., 2010.
- Sandkühler, Enzyklopädie Philosophie: in drei Bänden mit einer CD-ROM, 2010.
- Sax, The Posthumanism of Roberto Marchesini, 2010.
- Schiesari, Beasts and beauties: animals, gender, and domestication in the Italian..., 2010.
- Schilling, Macht und Ohnmacht der Sprache. Die Vita Aesopi als Anleitung..., 2010.
- Schratter, Otto Antonius: Wegbereiter der Tiergartenbiologie, 2010.
- Seed, Primate Cognition, 2010.
- Serrato, Ecological Indigenous Foodways and the Healing of All Our Relations, 2010.
- Shapiro, The State of Human-Animal Studies, 2010.
- Shaw, The animal fable in science fiction and fantasy, 2010.
- Shettleworth, Cognition, evolution, and behavior, 2010.
- Shields, An Interview with Anarcha-Transnational Feminist Sarat Colling, 2010.
- Shields, Interview with animal liberation activist and former political prisoner Peter..., 2010.
- Shields, Interview with author, anarchist and feminist Abbey Willis, 2010.
- Shipman, The animal connection and human evolution, 2010.
- Singer, Wim Delvoye: The Controversial Pig, 2010.
- Smith, Hund erlebt zum 400sten Mal hintereinander den besten Tag seines..., 2010.
- Snæbjörnsdóttir, Falling Asleep With a Pig, 2010.
- Snæbjörnsdóttir, Radio Animal, 2010.
- Sorenson, About Canada: animal rights, 2010.
- Spickernagel, Der Fortgang der Tiere: Darstellungen in Menagerien und in der..., 2010.
- Steiner, Anthropocentrism and its discontents: the moral status of animals in..., 2010.
- Steiner, Tierrecht und die Grenzen des Postmodernismus. Der Fall Derrida, 2010.
- Stănescu, “Green” Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and..., 2010.
- Swart, Riding high: horses, humans and history in South Africa, 2010.
- Sztybel, Animal Absolutes: Liberation Sociology’s Missing Links – Part II of..., 2010.
- Sztybel, Rebuttal #2 to Dr. Perlo on Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Appeals, 2010.
- Söffner, On nostalgia (and Homer), 2010.
- Thierman, "Apparatuses of Animality: Foucault Goes to a Slaughterhouse.", 2010.
- Tomasello, Die Ursprünge der menschlichen Kommunikation, 2010.
- Triscott, Journeys Across Disciplines: The Arts Catalyst, 2010.
- Turnbull, The Horse in Landscape: Animals, Grooming, Labour and the City..., 2010.
- Turner, When Species Kiss: some recent correspondence between animots, 2010.
- Tønnessen, Is a wolf wild as long as it does not..., 2010.
- Vint, Animal alterity: science fiction and the question of the animal, 2010.
- Volkmann, Von Gärten und Pflanzen im Märchen: „In einem Augenblick war..., 2010.
- Warkentin, Interspecies Etiquette: An Ethics of Paying Attention to Animals, 2010.
- Weida, Flesh-Pots and Clay Bodies, 2010.
- Weil, A report on the animal turn, 2010.
- White, Interview with Anthony J. Nocella, II on Academic Repression: Reflections..., 2010.
- Wilkie, Livestock/deadstock: working with farm animals from birth to slaughter, 2010.
- Williams, Giraffe, 2010.
- Wolfe, Animal Studies. Disciplinarity, and the (Post) Humanities, 2010.
- Wolfe, What is posthumanism?, 2010.
- Wuketits, Die Entdeckung des Verhaltens: eine Geschichte der Verhaltensforschung, 2010.
- Zitzlsperger, Märchenhafte Pflanzen und Tiere als Funktionsträger., 2010.
- Zitzlsperger, Märchenhafte Tiere und Pflanzen als Funktionsträger in einer „eindimensionalen" Lebenswelt, 2010.