Book published in 2012
Found 361 books from the year 2012
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- Aaltola, Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture, 2012.
- Adams, What Came Before The Sexual Politics of Meat: The Activist..., 2012.
- Akhtar, Animals and Public Health: Why Treating Animals Better is Critical..., 2012.
- Aloi, Animal-Human-Machine-Plant, 2012.
- Aloi, Art and animals, 2012.
- Ambros, Bones of contention: animals and religion in contemporary Japan, 2012.
- Andreyev, Dog Voice: A Memoir, 2012.
- Argent, Toward a Privileging of the Nonverbal. Communication, Corporeal Synchrony and..., 2012.
- Armstrong, Samuel Butler's Sheep, 2012.
- Atkins, Animal cities: beastly urban histories, 2012.
- Baratay, Le Point de vue animal: Une autre version de l'histoire, 2012.
- Barwell, What's In A Name? What Names For Albatross Genera Reveal..., 2012.
- Bass, Lives in Balance. Utilitarianism and animal research, 2012.
- Beachly, Eiseley's Stygian Oracle, 2012.
- Bee, Mickeys Reise durch Wasteland. Animal, Animation, Animismus, 2012.
- Bennett, A Stony Field, 2012.
- Benz-Schwarzburg, Verwandte im Geiste - Fremde im Recht: sozio-kognitive Fähigkeiten bei..., 2012.
- Bezan, From the Mortician‟s Scalpel to the Butcher‟s Knife: Towards an..., 2012.
- Birke, Crossing boundaries: investigating human-animal relationships, 2012.
- Blenski, Dog Speak, 2012.
- Boddice, The Historical Animal Mind: ‚Sagacity’ in Nineteenth-Century Britain., 2012.
- Bodenburg, Tier und Mensch: zur Disposition des Humanen und Animalischen in..., 2012.
- Bodenburg, Zu einer Ästhetik der Umkehrung in Franz Kafkas ‚Der Bau‘, 2012.
- Boetzekes, Bird Thanatology, 2012.
- Bolinski, Zurück Reisen. Elektronische Tierkennzeichnung zur Rückverfolgbarkeit von Transportwegen, 2012.
- Bolla, Placing Wild Animals in Botswana: Engaging Geography's Transspecies Spatial Theory, 2012.
- Boom, 'Pest' and Resource: A Legal History of Australia's Kangaroos, 2012.
- Borgards, Der Affe als Mensch und der Europäer als Ureinwohner. Ethnozoographie..., 2012.
- Borgards, Meer Tier Mensch. Anthropogenetisches Nicht-Wissen in Okens Entstehung des ersten..., 2012.
- Borgards, Tiere in der Literatur. Eine methodische Standortbestimmung., 2012.
- Borrell, Small Areas Of Ground: Writing Animals in Globalisation, 2012.
- Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2012.
- Bradshaw, Pas the Deux, 2012.
- Brady, The Politics of the Pound: Controlling Loose Dogs in Nineteenth-Century..., 2012.
- Braz, Beaver Voices:, 2012.
- Breittruck, Haustiere, 2012.
- Bristol, New Art Examiners: sings, marks, gestures, 2012.
- Britz, Evolution and Design, 2012.
- Broglio, On Vulnerability:, 2012.
- Broglio, Thinking with Surfaces:, 2012.
- Brottman, Hyena, 2012.
- Buchanan, Being with Animals:, 2012.
- Buchner-Fuhs, Tiere und Klassendistinktion. Zur Begegnung mit Pferden, Karrenhunden und Läusen, 2012.
- Buchner-Fuhs, Vögel als Haustiere im Paris des 18. Jahrhunderts. Theoretische, methodische..., 2012.
- Burgat, Une autre existence. La condition animale, 2012.
- Burt, Bill Violas Eule und das Maß des Tierbilds, 2012.
- Buschka, Gesellschaft und Tiere. Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Human-Animal Studies, 2012.
- Calarco, “What Is Good for All of Us, Is the Only..., 2012.
- Cavalieri, Consequences of Humanism, or, Advocating What?, 2012.
- Cawthorne, Canine Commandos. The Heroism, Devotion, and Sacrifice of Dogs in..., 2012.
- Chandler, Towards a Posthuman Postcolonial Critical Criminology of Incarceration, 2012.
- Chris, Boys Gone Wild:, 2012.
- Clark, Ecological Biopower, Environmental Violence Against Animals, and the “Greening” of..., 2012.
- Cochrane, Animal rights without liberation: applied ethics and human obligations, 2012.
- Cohen, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: ethics and objects, 2012.
- Colling, Love and liberation: an Animal Liberation Front story, 2012.
- Copeland, Literary Animal Studies in 2012. Where We Are, Where We..., 2012.
- Curtis, Horse and History. From Arab to Ascot., 2012.
- Davies, The House of Beasts' Symposium: Enquiries into the human and..., 2012.
- Davis, The Mental Life of Chickens as Observed Through Their Special..., 2012.
- de Waal, Addendum to Down with Dualism!, 2012.
- de Waal, Down with Dualism!, 2012.
- Deckha, Toward a Postcolonial, Posthumanist Feminist Theory: Centralizing Race and Culture..., 2012.
- DeMello, Animals and society: an introduction to human-animal studies, 2012.
- Desmond, Can Animals Make “Art”?, 2012.
- Diamond, Fleisch essen, Menschen essen, 2012.
- Diamond, Menschen, Tiere und Begriffe: Aufsätze zur Moralphilosophie, 2012.
- Dillard-Wright, Brains, Bodies, and Minds:, 2012.
- Dinzelbacher, Gebrauchstiere und Tierfantasien : Mensch und Tier in der europäischen..., 2012.
- Dirscherl, Tier- und Naturschutz im Nationalsozialismus: Gesetzgebung, Ideologie und Praxis, 2012.
- Drake, The Goat that Couldn't Stop the Mud Volcano: Sacrifice, Subjectivity,..., 2012.
- Droege, Assessing Evidence for Animal Consciousness:, 2012.
- Dröscher, Zoologie, 2012.
- Dröscher, Zoologische Anatomie, 2012.
- Easterson, People Respond to Images that Provide Hope, 2012.
- Eckart, Ungeziefer, 2012.
- eecoarttech, #TrainingYRHuman: An Animal Geneaology, 2012.
- Elliot, The Vanishing, 2012.
- Enright, None Tougher, 2012.
- Erenberg, Strategies for Liberation, 2012.
- Faraone, Greek and Roman animal sacrifice: ancient victims, modern observers, 2012.
- Fawcett, The Case of the Mimic Octopus: Agency and World Making, 2012.
- Fiebig, Fleißige Bienen, kleine graue Männlein und listige Kaninchen. Der Trickster,..., 2012.
- Fitzgerald, Doing Time in Slaughterhouses: A Green Criminological Commentary on Slaughterhouse..., 2012.
- Flusser, Vampyroteuthis infernalis: a treatise: with a report by the Institut..., 2012.
- Flynn, Understanding animal abuse: a sociological analysis, 2012.
- Foer, Tiere essen, 2012.
- Fontenay, Without offending humans: a critique of animal rights, 2012.
- Foster, Disposition: a Hollow-eyed Harrier, Displaced and Out of Time, 2012.
- Fraiman, Pussy Panic versus Liking Animals: Tracking Gender in Animal Studies, 2012.
- Francione, "Pets". The Inherent Problems of Domestication, 2012.
- Freeman, Fishing for Animal Rights in The Cove: A Holistic Approach..., 2012.
- Fudge, Renaissance Animal Things, 2012.
- Fudge, Renaissance Animal Things, 2012.
- Gable, Can You Say, “Awww”?, 2012.
- Gagne, Speaking Dog: Understanding Why Your Hound Howls and Other Tips..., 2012.
- Garrett, The Ethics of Animal Research. Exploring a Controversy, 2012.
- Gigliotti, Animal Influence, 2012.
- Gigliotti, Carol Gigliotti in Conversation with Marc Bekoff, 2012.
- Gilbert, Fad of the Year, 2012.
- Gomez, Natural History and Haptic Images, 2012.
- Grandin, Avoid Being Abstract When Making Policies on the Welfare of..., 2012.
- Greer, Untangling the Avian Imperial Archive, 2012.
- Grimm, Arche Noah oder anachronistisches Tiergefängnis: Sind Zoos ein Zukunfts- oder..., 2012.
- Grimm, Argumente für einen wissenschafts- und empathiegestützten Tierschutz: Biologie, Soziales und..., 2012.
- Grimm, Das Tier an sich: disziplinenübergreifende Perspektiven für neue Wege im..., 2012.
- Grimm, Das Tier an sich? Auf der Suche nach dem Menschen..., 2012.
- Grimm, Dem Tier in der Tiergestützen Intervention gerecht werden, 2012.
- Grimm, Die Bedeutung der Veterinärmedizin für den Tierschutz, 2012.
- Grimm, Die Relevanz der Philosophie des Geistes für den wissenschaftsbasierten Tierschutz, 2012.
- Grimm, Ethik der Jagd und Fischerei, 2012.
- Grimm, Ethik in der Nutztierhaltung: Der Schritt in die Praxis, 2012.
- Grimm, Mit Noah in der Arche - Mit Jesus im Paradies...., 2012.
- Grimm, Philosophische Tierethik, 2012.
- Grimm, Staatsziel Tierschutz - Verantwortung der Behörde und der Gesellschaft, 2012.
- Grimm, Tiere, Forscher, Experimente. Zur ethischen Vertretbarkeit von Tierversuchen, 2012.
- Grimm, Tierschutzrecht. Haltung von Nutztieren, dargestellt an den Beispielen "Schweine", "Hühner"..., 2012.
- Grimm, Tierseuchenbekämpfung, 2012.
- Gross, Animals and the human imagination: a companion to animal studies, 2012.
- Guenther, Beyond Dehumanization: A Post-Humanist Critique of Intensive Confinement, 2012.
- Gullone, Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression: More than a Link, 2012.
- Gutjahr, Interdependenzen zwischen Tierausbeutung und Geschlechterverhältnis. Fleischkonsum und die soziale KOnstruktion..., 2012.
- Haas, Report über ein Tier auf der Bühne: der Esel Balthazar, 2012.
- Haraway, Species Matters, Humane Advocacy: In the Promising Grip of Earthly..., 2012.
- Harris, Bob Kuhn: drawing on instinct, 2012.
- Hart, Unique Attributes of the Elephant Mind:, 2012.
- Heck, The grand medieval bestiary: animals in illuminated manuscripts, 2012.
- Hediger, Timothy Treadwell's Grizzly Love as Freak Show: The Uses of..., 2012.
- Heindrichs, Von hilfreichen und dankbaren Tieren im Märchen, 2012.
- Heiter, Hjertøyas Stare, Schwitters’ Erben. Ein Rezeptionsdilemma, 2012.
- Hengel, Zoegraphy: Per/Forming Posthuman Lives., 2012.
- Herman, Toward a Zoonarratology. Storytelling and Species Difference, 2012.
- Heymans, Animality in British Romanticism: the aesthetics of species, 2012.
- Heywood, Museum of the Sublime: Relic # 5: Notes Towards a..., 2012.
- Hird, Animal, All Too Animal:, 2012.
- Horn, The Making of a Wilderness Icon:, 2012.
- Hornborg, Animismus, Fetischismus und Objektivismus als Strategien der Welt(v)erkenntnis, 2012.
- Hribal, Animals are part of the working class reviewed, 2012.
- Huff, His Master’s Voice: Animalographies, Life Writing, and the Posthuman., 2012.
- Hurn, Humans and other animals: cross-cultural perspectives on human-animal interactions, 2012.
- Höge, Elefantentransporte, 2012.
- Ingold, Hunting and Gathering as Ways of Perceiving the Environment, 2012.
- Iveson, Domestic Scenes and Species Trouble – On Judith Butler and..., 2012.
- Jansen, Das Wissen vom Menschen: Franz Kafka und die Biopolitik, 2012.
- Jevbratt, Interspezies-Kollaboration. Kunstmachen mit nicht-menschlichen Tieren, 2012.
- Jevbratt, With the Eyes of Another, 2012.
- Johnson, Power, Knowledge, Animals, 2012.
- Johnson, This Was Never a Knife Fight, 2012.
- Jones, Mosquito, 2012.
- Karlsson, Anthropomorphism and Mechanomorphism, 2012.
- Kassung, Zoologicon: ein kulturhistorisches Wörterbuch der Tiere, 2012.
- Kean, Challenges for Historians Writing Animal–Human History:What Is Really Enough?, 2012.
- Kean, Nervous Dogs Need Admin, Son!, 2012.
- Keenleyside, Introduction., 2012.
- Keenleyside, The First-Person Form of Life: Locke, The First-Person Form of..., 2012.
- Kemmerer, Animals and world religions, 2012.
- Knight, The anonymity of the hunt. A critique of hunting as..., 2012.
- Kroker, Body drift: Butler, Hayles, Haraway, 2012.
- Krüger, Das koloniale Tier. Kultur - Natur - Geschichte, 2012.
- Landes, A Conversation with the Artist Mark Dion, 2012.
- Landes, Animal Subjects:, 2012.
- Landes, Gorgeous Beasts: Animal Bodies in Historical Perspective, 2012.
- Landes, Introduction, 2012.
- Latimer, Meadowarts' House of Beasts: Reimagining Human & Non-human Animal Relations..., 2012.
- Lauzi, Il destino degli animali: aspetti delle tradizioni culturali araba e..., 2012.
- Lehmann, Die biologische Vorgeschichte des Menschen: zu einem Schnittpunkt von Erzählordnung..., 2012.
- Lemm, Nietzsches Philosophie des Tieres: Kultur, Politik und die Animalität des..., 2012.
- Loadenthal, Operation Splash Back!: Queering Animal Liberation Through the Contributions of..., 2012.
- Lorimer, Songs from Before, 2012.
- Lowe, Perceiving the Minds of Animals:, 2012.
- Lundblad, Archaeology of a Humane Society: Animality, Savagery, Blackness, 2012.
- Lundblad, Introduction, 2012.
- Lurz, Chimpanzees Attribute Beliefs?, 2012.
- Lux, The Unreliable Bestiary, 2012.
- Maere d'Aertrycke, Der Wolf im Schafspelz, Polit-Träumer, Staatsverräter oder ein deutscher Fall?:..., 2012.
- Maiwald, "... silberne Lyra auf rotem Hakenkreuz": die Bedeutung der Musik..., 2012.
- Malamud, An Introduction to Animals and Visual Culture, 2012.
- Martin, ‚La beauté équestre' – Vom Pferdeideal der Frühen Neuzeit, 2012.
- Martinelli, Tierästhetik aus semiotischer Sicht, 2012.
- Marvin, Wolf, 2012.
- Masius, Die Geschichte vom bösen Wolf. Verfolgung, Ausrottung und Wiederkehr, 2012.
- Maurizi, The Dialectical Animal: Nature and Philosophy of History in Adorno,..., 2012.
- Mayr, 50 Jahre im Rückblick: Tierversuche und Tierschutz in Deutschland, 2012.
- Mayr, Aus Mitgefühl für das Recht der Tiere, 2012.
- Mayr, Die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung unter ethischem Aspekt, 2012.
- Mayr, Die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung unter ethischem Aspekt, 2012.
- Mayr, Die Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2010/63/EU in Österreich: Der Entwurf eines..., 2012.
- Mayr, Eingehende Auswertung des „Rechtsgutachtens zu verschiedenen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit..., 2012.
- Mayr, Gespiegeltes Leid? Die Schopenhauer’sche Mitleidsethik und die neurowissenschaftliche Spiegelneuronentheorie, 2012.
- Mayr, Leib und Leid. Was Menschen mit Tieren verbindet Interview mit..., 2012.
- Mayr, Mitgefühl mit Tieren im liberalen Rechtsstaat, 2012.
- Mayr, Mitleid, 2012.
- Mayr, Neue moralische Standards der EU Versuchstierrichtlinie – eine Chance für..., 2012.
- Mayr, Tierversuche, 2012.
- Mayr, Umsetzung der EU-Tierversuchsrichtlinie: Deutschland verfehlt Staatszielbestimmung Tierschutz, 2012.
- Mayr, Zum Rechtsstatus von Schimpansen aus Tierversuchen in Österreich, 2012.
- Mayr, Zur Bedeutung des Mitleids für die Tierethik, 2012.
- Mayr, Zur Feststellung der ethischen Vertretbarkeit von Tierversuchsvorhaben Ein Leitfaden zur..., 2012.
- Mayr, Zur Überwachung von Tierversuchen in Deutschland Interview mit Kathrin Herrmann, 2012.
- McKechnie, Spiders, Horror, and Animal Others in Late Victorian Empire Fiction, 2012.
- McKinnon, Bridging the Animal: The ‘arc’ competition, 2012.
- Meunier, Stages in the development of a model organism as a..., 2012.
- Milam, Making Males Aggressive and Females Coy: Gender across the Animal-Human..., 2012.
- Miller, Brooke’s Monkey Brand Soap, 2012.
- Miller, In Vitro Meat: Power, Authenticity and Vegetarianism, 2012.
- Miller, Introduction to Michele Elliot's The Vanishing, 2012.
- Mitchell, Engaging Animal Minds:, 2012.
- Mitchell, Inner Experience as Perception(like) with Attitude, 2012.
- Miyazaki, Das Sonische und das Meer. Epistemogene Effekte von Sonar 1940/2000, 2012.
- Mobley, Killing Time on the Prairie, 2012.
- Moe, Zoopoetics: A Look at Cummings, Merwin, & the Expanding Field..., 2012.
- Molloy, Remediating Cows and the Construction of Ethical Landscape, 2012.
- Monani, Wilderness Discourse in Adventure-Nature Films: The Potentials and Limitations of..., 2012.
- Morin, What Are Animals Conscious Of?, 2012.
- Morus, Bovril by Electrocution, 2012.
- Müller-Wille, Zoologischer Garten, 2012.
- Nance, Jumbo: A Capitalist Creation Story, 2012.
- Nance, ‘Works Progress Administration’ Posters, 2012.
- Nappi, On Yeti and Being Just:, 2012.
- Nessel, Der Film und das Tier: Klassifizierungen, Cinephilien, Philosophien, 2012.
- Nessel, Zoo und Kino: mit Beiträgen zu Bernhard und Michael Grzimeks..., 2012.
- Neumann-Gorsolke, Wer ist der "Herr der Tiere"? eine hermeneutische Problemanzeige, 2012.
- Nocella, Animal Advocates for Prison and Slave Abolition: A Transformative Justice..., 2012.
- Nocella, Dr. Kim Socha, author of Women, Destruction, and the Avant-Garde:..., 2012.
- Nocella, Earth, animal, and disability liberation: the rise of the eco-ability..., 2012.
- Novek, Discipline and Distancing:, 2012.
- Novero, Daniel Spoerri’s Carnival of Animals, 2012.
- Nussbaum, Compassion: Human and Animal, 2012.
- O'Neill, A Compassionate 2012, 2012.
- O'Sullivan, Pet or Pet-Food. A Confused Rabbit`s Tale, 2012.
- Orozco, Manifesting the Animal: Human-Animal Interactions in Contemporary Performance, 2012.
- Owen, Trout, 2012.
- Pandian, Pastoral Power in the Postcolony:, 2012.
- Parry, From Beastly Perversions to the Zoological Closet: Animals, Nature, and..., 2012.
- Patchett, Alternative Ornithologies, 2012.
- Patchett, Andrea Roe: Revisiting Wonder, 2012.
- Patchett, On Necro-Ornithologies, 2012.
- Patchett, Ruffling Feathers: Exhibiting the Monstrous Geographies of the Plumage Trade, 2012.
- Peggs, Animals and Sociology, 2012.
- Pemberton, Hounding Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle, Bloodhounds and Sleuthing in the..., 2012.
- Penn, The human enigma, 2012.
- Phillips, Advertising and the Cultural Meaning of Animals, 2012.
- Phillips, Fieldwork with Bowerbirds, 2012.
- Plumwood, Animals and Ecology. Towards a better integration, 2012.
- Plumwood, Eye of the crocodile, 2012.
- Plumwood, The eye of the crocodile, 2012.
- Pluskowski, The ritual killing and burial of animals: European perspectives, 2012.
- Poliquin, The breathless zoo: taxidermy and the cultures of longing, 2012.
- Poliquin, When Feathers Come to Life, 2012.
- Porth, When Women Birthed Mooncalves and Moles: The Display of Fetal..., 2012.
- Potts, Chicken, 2012.
- Power, Kill ‘em dead!: the Ordinary Practices of Pest Control in..., 2012.
- Pryor, Heidegger and the Dog Whisperer:, 2012.
- Prüfer, The Bonobo Genome Compared with the Chimpanzee and Human Genomes, 2012.
- Pusch, Unleashed - Hunde auf Abwegen, 2012.
- Pöppinghege, Themenschwerpunkt: Tier und Mensch in der Region, 2012.
- Rahn, Rindertransporte, 2012.
- Rajamannar, Reading the animal in the literature of the British Raj, 2012.
- Ray, Psychoanalysis & “The Animal”: A reading of the metapsychology of..., 2012.
- Richter, Animals on the Runway, 2012.
- Ritvo, Calling the Wild, 2012.
- Roesler, Bauen ohne Hand und Hirn. Anmerkungen zum Begriff der Tierarchitektur, 2012.
- Rohman, The Voice of the Living:, 2012.
- Roscher, Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsbewegung, 2012.
- Roscher, Was ist das Tier in der Geschichte?, 2012.
- Roscher, Westfälischer Tierschutz zwischen bürgerlichem Aktivismus und ideologischer Vereinnahmung (1880-1945), 2012.
- Rose, Hat die Tierliebe ein Geschlecht? Bestandsaufnahme zur Genderforschung in der..., 2012.
- Rose, Thinking through the environment. Unsetting the humanities, 2012.
- Rosen, Die ‚Zirkustier‘-Mensch-Verhältnisse. Zwischen Anthropomorphisierung und Othering, 2012.
- Rossello, Hobbes and the Wolf-Man: Melancholy and Animality in Modern Sovereignty, 2012.
- Rothaar, Bienenwanderung, 2012.
- Rothfels, Trophies and Taxidermy, 2012.
- Russell, Social zooarchaeology: humans and animals in prehistory, 2012.
- Samuel, Fishing for Biomass, 2012.
- Schlosser, Anhalten, sehen: Die Körper überfahrener Tiere in der Arbeit Steve..., 2012.
- Schlosser, Tangible Affiliations:, 2012.
- Schlünder, Cakes and Candies. Zur Geschichte der Ernährung von Versuchstieren, 2012.
- Schmideler, ‚Schwein, Sage deine Geschichte her!‘ Tierdarstellungen in der Kinder- und..., 2012.
- Schmidinger, Worlwide Alternatives to Animal Derived Foods - Overview and Evaluation..., 2012.
- Schuurman, The Death of the Horse: Transforming Conceptions and Practices in..., 2012.
- Schöller, Raubtiere, 2012.
- Seibring, Themenheft "Mensch und Tier", 2012.
- Sellbach, The Lives of Animals:, 2012.
- Serna, The Rights of Man and the Rights of Animality at..., 2012.
- Seshadri, HumAnimal: race, law, language, 2012.
- Shrivastava, Inventions and Discoveries, 2012.
- Sickler, Popular Beliefs and Understanding of the Dolphin Mind, 2012.
- Simonsen, A Queer Vegan Manifesto, 2012.
- Slavin, The Great Bovine Pestilence and its economic and environmental consequences..., 2012.
- Sleigh, Frog, 2012.
- Smallwood, The Saddest Show on Earth, 2012.
- Smith, Animal Ethics and Animals’ Minds:, 2012.
- Smith, Animals Made Americans Human. Sentient Creatures and the Creation of..., 2012.
- Smith, Experiencing animal minds: an anthology of animal-human encounters, 2012.
- Smith, The Meaning of “Energy” in Cesar Millan’s Discourse on Dogs, 2012.
- Snæbjörnsdóttir, On Animal Terms, 2012.
- Socha, Women, destruction, and the avant-garde: a paradigm for animal liberation, 2012.
- Sommer, Wie Tiere denken, 2012.
- South, The Tiger in the Tank, 2012.
- Sperlin, Animal Hoarding. Das krankhafte Sammeln von Tieren. Aktuelle Situation in..., 2012.
- Spickernagel, Im Nahraum. Das Vieh, der Affe bei Théodore Rousseau, Constant..., 2012.
- Spies, Faszination und Emotion - Tiere als Gegenstand von Abschlussarbeiten in..., 2012.
- Squire, The Animals Are “Breaking Out”!, 2012.
- Stanescu, Toward a Dark Animal Studies: On Vegetarian Vampires, Beautiful Souls,..., 2012.
- Steiger, Heimtierhaltung - ein bedeutender, aber vernachlässigter Tierschutzbereich, 2012.
- Steinbrecher, Auf Spurensuche. Die Geschichtswissenschaft und ihre Auseinandersetzung mit den Tieren, 2012.
- Steinbrecher, Eine praxeologisch performative Untersuchung der Kulturtechnik des Spaziergang (1750-1850), 2012.
- Steiner, Rethinking the Cognitive Abilities of Animals, 2012.
- Sterelny, The Evolved Apprentice. How Evolution Made Humans Unique, 2012.
- Stănescu, “Man’s” Best Friend: Why Human Rights Needs Animal Rights, 2012.
- Superle, Animal Heroes and Transforming Substances. Canine Characters in Contemporary Children’s..., 2012.
- Svanberg, Exotic Birds at Skansen Zoo, Sweden, Before 1920, 2012.
- Tallerman, The Oxford handbook of language evolution, 2012.
- Taylor, Abnormal Appetites: Foucault, Atwood, and the Normalization of an Animal-Based..., 2012.
- Terhaar, The Animal in the Age of its Technological Reducibility, 2012.
- Thompson, The Contested Meaning and Place of Feral Cats in the..., 2012.
- Tiengo, Animal Subjects: Local Exploitation, Slow Killing, 2012.
- Tiengo, Eat Me Tender, 2012.
- Tietz, Denkende Tiere?, 2012.
- Tlili, Animals in the Qur'an, 2012.
- Todd, Sparrow, 2012.
- Tonutti, Happy Easter, 2012.
- Traisnel, Zarathustra's Philosafari, 2012.
- Twine, Revealing the "Animal-Industrial Complex" - A Concept & Method for..., 2012.
- Twine, Revealing the “Animal-Industrial Complex” – A Concept & Method for..., 2012.
- Tyler, Ciferae: a bestiary in five fingers, 2012.
- Tóth, Das Tier, sein Bild und der falsche Prophet: Untersuchungen zum..., 2012.
- Uekötter, Die feinen Unterschiede. Die Tierschutzbewegung und die Gegenwart der Geschichte, 2012.
- Ullrich, Animalität und Ästhetik, 2012.
- Ullrich, Minding the Animal in Contemporary Art, 2012.
- Ullrich, Tiere auf Reisen, 2012.
- Ulrich, Äffen, 2012.
- Unknown author, "Königssoh! Halte und schieße auf mich nicht, denn ich weiß,..., 2012.
- Unknown author, Human-Animal Studies., 2012.
- Unknown author, Von den kleinen Tieren im Märchen, 2012.
- Unknown author, Wissen - Zyklizität, Nachträge, 2012.
- Urbanik, Placing animals: an introduction to the geography of human-animal relations, 2012.
- Van Dooren, Storied-places in a multispecies city, 2012.
- Van Dyke, Names of the Beasts: Tracking the Animot in Medieval Texts, 2012.
- Van Dyke, Rethinking Chaucerian beasts, 2012.
- Van Horik, Convergent evolution of cognition in corvids, apes and other animals, 2012.
- Vehlken, Zootechnologien: eine Mediengeschichte der Schwarmforschung, 2012.
- Vonk, The Oxford handbook of comparative evolutionary psychology, 2012.
- Walker-Meikle, Medieval pets, 2012.
- Waller, Science of the Monkey Mind:, 2012.
- Wang, Dogs and the Making of the American State: Voluntary Association,..., 2012.
- Warkentin, Thinking like a Whale. Interdisciplinary Methody for the study of..., 2012.
- Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 2012.
- Weil, Thinking animals: why animal studies now?, 2012.
- Weltzien, Der ästhetische Wurm. Kunstphilosophische Anmerkungen, 2012.
- Wemelsfelder, A Science of Friendly Pigs ... Carving Out a Conceptual..., 2012.
- Wheeler, The animals turn, 2012.
- Wild, Fische: Kognition, Bewusstsein und Schmerz ; eine philosophische Perspektive, 2012.
- Wild, Tierphilosophie., 2012.
- Wirth, Die Grenzregime des Tier-Konstrukts. Wie Aga-Kröten und Grauhörnchen zu Aliens..., 2012.
- Wolfe, Humane Advocacy and the Humanities: The very idea, 2012.
- Woodward, This Animal Which Is Not One: Diasporic Giraffes in the..., 2012.
- Wöbse, Weltnaturschutz: Umweltdiplomatie in Völkerbund und Vereinten Nationen 1920 - 1950, 2012.
- Youngquist, The Cujo Effect, 2012.
- Zammit- Lucia, From Animal Rights and Shock Advocacy to Kinship with Animals, 2012.
- Zulueta, His Master’s Voice, 2012.