Book published in 2017
Found 362 books from the year 2017
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- Abiragi, The Sovereign's Multiple Bodies, 2017.
- Abrell, Introduction: Interrogating Captive Freedom: The Possibilities and Limits of Animal..., 2017.
- Allerkamp, Dressieren – Führen – Erziehen. Überlegungen zu Gewalt und Machtverhältnissen..., 2017.
- Aloi, Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Immagination, 2017.
- Aloi, Neozoon: A Youtube Zoopraxiscope, 2017.
- Aloi, The Broken Cabinet, 2017.
- Alston, Kit and Cadoodle, 2017.
- Andreyev, Responding to Dogs, 2017.
- Asdal, Humans, animals and biopolitics: the more-than human condition, 2017.
- Asdal, Introduction: The ‘More Than Human’ Condition: Sentient Creatures and Versions..., 2017.
- Asdal, Knowing Sentient Subjects: Humane Experimental Technique and the Constitution of..., 2017.
- Asdal, Loving Camels, Sacrificing Sheep, Slaughtering Gazelles: Human-Animal Relations in Contemporary..., 2017.
- Asdal, Making Pig Research Biographies: Names and Numbers, 2017.
- Asdal, Modifying the Biopolitical Collective: The Law as a Moral Technology, 2017.
- Asdal, One Health, Many Species: Towards a Multispecies Investigation of Bird..., 2017.
- Asdal, Pastorale: Sheep Traffic in Modern Trauma Surgery, 2017.
- Asdal, Sensory Biopolitics: Knowing Birds and a Politics of Life, 2017.
- Asdal, The Measure of the Disease: The Pathological Animal Experiment in..., 2017.
- Asdal, The Practice of Fishy Sentience, 2017.
- Baratay, Biographies Animales. Des vies retrouvées., 2017.
- Barcz, Animal narratives and culture: vulnerable realism, 2017.
- Barlow, Enchanted Bee-ings: Encounters and Movements beyond the Human, 2017.
- Bartl, Mit Schiller im Löwengarten. Das aufgeklärte Tableau der Raubkatzen in..., 2017.
- Bates, Anti-Vivisection and the Profession of Medicine in Britain: A Social..., 2017.
- Baynes-Rock, We Are Not Equals: Socio-Cognitive Dimensions of Lion/Human Relationships, 2017.
- Bennison, Siobhan O'Sullivan and Rod Bennison, 2017.
- Benzing, Die Erforschung tierlichen Wohlbefindens als Spiegel der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung, 2017.
- Berland, Attending the Giraffe, 2017.
- Bierlein, Woodland: the story of the animals and people of Woodland..., 2017.
- Borgards, Animal Studies., 2017.
- Boswell, Settler Sanctuaries and the Stoat-Free State, 2017.
- Boyd, Painting with Horses Towards Interspecies Response-ability: Non-human Charisma as Material..., 2017.
- Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2017.
- Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2017.
- Brant, The Unmourned, 2017.
- Brower, In Focus: Animalia, 2017.
- Brower, Max Streicher and Matthew Brower, 2017.
- Brower, Sara Angelucci's Aviary, 2017.
- Bull, A Foray into the Geographies of Ticks and People, 2017.
- Bull, Animal Places : Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations, 2017.
- Bull, Curating the Body Politic: The Spatiality of the Zoo and..., 2017.
- Bull, Felines on the Fault Line: Cats and the Christchurch Earthquakes, 2017.
- Bull, Following the Animal. Place, Space, and Literature, 2017.
- Bull, Intimate cartographies: creating place with companion animals, 2017.
- Bull, Introducing Animals, Places and Lively Cartographies, 2017.
- Bull, Microbiogeographies: the Lively Cartographies of Homo microbis, 2017.
- Bull, Model Territories: Choreographies of Laboratory Flies, 2017.
- Bull, Sharing the Condition of Abandonment: The Beastly Topology of Condolence..., 2017.
- Bull, Sheep-Shaped, 2017.
- Bull, Shoring: Contemporary Fictions of Indigenous Cetacean Killing, 2017.
- Bull, Zoo/mbie Spaces: Museums as Humanimal Places, 2017.
- Bull, ‘Moving quietly in the shadows’: On Feral Feeding in Kolkata, 2017.
- Buller, Something Going On, 2017.
- Burzan, Alles für die Katz’. Natur- und Kulturgeschichte der Katzen., 2017.
- Burzan, Auf den Hund gekommen: interdisziplinäre Annäherung an ein Verhältnis, 2017.
- Campbell, On the Authenticity of De-extinct Organisms, and the Genesis Argument, 2017.
- Carey, To Never Know You: Archival Photos of Russi and Franz..., 2017.
- Caulfield, The Australian Animal Use Industry Rejects Anthropomorphism, But Relies on..., 2017.
- Chez, Victorian dogs, Victorian men: affect and animals in nineteenth-century literature..., 2017.
- Chris, Wounded: The Digital Animal and the Death on Screen, 2017.
- Chrulew, Foucault and animals, 2017.
- Cohen, Making milk: the past, present, and future of our primary..., 2017.
- Cossio, Condors in a Cage, 2017.
- Cowie, Llama, 2017.
- Creed, Stray: human-animal ethics in the anthropocene, 2017.
- Crenshaw, The Domestic Chicken as Legal Fiction: Cruelty for Profit, 2017.
- Dalke, Mustangs and Domestic Horses: Examining What We Think We Know..., 2017.
- Danielsson, “And in That Moment I Leapt upon His Shoulder”: Non-Human..., 2017.
- Deigaard, Horses and Lenses, 2017.
- Doll, Animationen und Re-Animationen in Isao Takahatas Sero Hiki No Gôshu, 2017.
- Doll, Appelle an eine symmetrische Anthropologie: Die (Anti-)Sozialität der Insekten im..., 2017.
- Doll, Battle at Kruger (2007): Tiere, Metaphern und das Politische, 2017.
- Doll, Das Kollektiv der Leerstellen: Auf den Spuren des Tasmanischen Tigers..., 2017.
- Doll, Die (offene) Ameisengesellschaft und ihre Feinde, 2017.
- Doll, Die Biopolitik der Schwärme: Eine zeitgemäße entomologische Architektur, 2017.
- Doll, Die Grille und die Ameise. Zur Mediologie der Fabel., 2017.
- Doll, Hunde, Gänse, Philosophen, oder eine neue Kunst des Versammelns, 2017.
- Doll, Hyènes oder: Der Besuch der alten Dame im Senegal. Tiere..., 2017.
- Doll, Politische Tiere: Zoologie des Kollektiven, 2017.
- Doll, Politische Tiere: Zur Einleitung, 2017.
- Doll, Zoologie der Kunst: Ameisen, Evolution & Ästhetik nach Darwin, 2017.
- Doll, Zoomorphic Visions: Die Jagd als Praktik und Narrativ der Herrschafts(de)legitimation..., 2017.
- Doll, »A noble animal«: Animalische und andere Tiere in D.H. Lawrence’..., 2017.
- Donaldson, Salvaging Shame, Saving Ourselves: The Productive Role of Shame for..., 2017.
- Doyle, Captive Wildlife Sanctuaries: Definition, Ethical Considerations and Public Perception, 2017.
- Driscoll, An Unheard, Inhuman Music: Narrative Voice and the Question of..., 2017.
- Därmann, Haustiere und Tierfreunde. Über Nähe und Ferne von Menschen und..., 2017.
- Ebinghaus, Identifikation und Entwicklung geeigneter Messgrößen zur routinemäßigen Beurteilung der Reaktivität..., 2017.
- Engen, How to Fuck a Kraken: Cephalopod Sexualities and Nonbinary Genders..., 2017.
- Europäische Märchengesellschaft, Märchentiere. Ein ,animal reading‘ der Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder..., 2017.
- Flegel, ‘I declare I Never Saw So Lovely an Animal!’: Beauty,..., 2017.
- Fleury, Money for Monkeys, and More: Ensuring Sanctuary Retirement of Nonhuman..., 2017.
- Fox, Reframing Animals, 2017.
- Francione, Animal Rights., 2017.
- Fultz, A Guide for Modern Sanctuaries with Examples from a Captive..., 2017.
- Fusari, What is an Animal Sanctuary? Evidence from Applied Linguistics, 2017.
- Fögen, A Lifetime Together? Temporal Perspectives on Animal-Human Interactions, 2017.
- Fögen, Animals in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: A Select Bibliography, 2017.
- Fögen, Cultured Animals and Wild Humans? Talking with the Animals in..., 2017.
- Fögen, Fighting Animals: An Analysis of the Intersections between Human Self..., 2017.
- Fögen, Fish or Man, Babylonian or Greek? Oannes between Cultures, 2017.
- Fögen, Galen on the Relationship between Human Beings and Fish, 2017.
- Fögen, Greek and Latin Words for Human-Animal Bonds: Metaphors and Taboos, 2017.
- Fögen, Human-Animal Interactions in Plutarch as Commentary on Human Moral Failings, 2017.
- Fögen, Interactions between Animals and Humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Introduction, 2017.
- Fögen, Interactions between Animals and Humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, 2017.
- Fögen, Keeping and Displaying Royal Tribute Animals in Ancient Persia and..., 2017.
- Fögen, Lives in Interaction: Animal ‘Biographies’ in Graeco-Roman Literature?, 2017.
- Fögen, Pet and Image in the Greek World: The Use of..., 2017.
- Fögen, Philosophers’ Pets: Porphyry’s Partridge and Augustine’s Dog, 2017.
- Fögen, Psychological, Cognitive and Philosophical Aspects of Animal ‘Envy’ Towards Humans..., 2017.
- Fögen, Urban Geographies of Human-Animal Relations in Classical Antiquity, 2017.
- Fögen, Why Avoid a Monkey: The Refusal of Interaction in Galen’s..., 2017.
- Fögen, ‘Wild Men’ and Animal Skins in Archaic Greek Imagery, 2017.
- Fögen, “Animal Literacy” and the Greeks: Philoctetes the Hedgehog and Dolon..., 2017.
- Förschler, Akteure, Tiere, Dinge: Verfahrensweisen der Naturgeschichte in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2017.
- Förschler, Der Zahn der Zeit. Vom »gegrabenen Einhorn« oder wie der..., 2017.
- Förschler, Die frühneuzeitliche Naturgeschichte und ihre Verfahrensweisen, 2017.
- Förschler, Die Logik des Schauraums. Zur Präsentation von Naturalien abseits der..., 2017.
- Förschler, Kollaboration in der Botanik des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die partizipative Architektur..., 2017.
- Förschler, Merians ästhetische Wege zur Naturgeschichte, 2017.
- Förschler, Sammeln, Sezieren und Systematisieren. Europäische Insektenkunde um 1800, 2017.
- Förschler, Schlangenlinien. Die wissenschaftliche Zeichnung zwischen Ornament und Experiment, 2017.
- Förschler, Schnittverfahren. Operationen an der Hydra (Trembley, Linné, Goethe), 2017.
- Förschler, Tierliche Materialien als ›Indizienparadigma‹ tierlicher Lebendigkeit, 2017.
- Förschler, Verfahrensweisen der Naturgeschichte nach Linné, 2017.
- Förschler, Wie viel Akteur steckt im gesammelten und bewahrten Tier ?..., 2017.
- Förschler, Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer. Die Debatte über eine Verbindung von Amazonas..., 2017.
- Förschler, Zur Ordnungswidrigkeit der Dinge. Linnés marginale Monstrosität(en) und das kalligrammatische..., 2017.
- Förschler, Zwischen grassroots-Gelehrsamkeit und Kommerz. Der Naturalienhandel der Herrnhuter Südasienmission, 2017.
- Förschler, Züricher Naturaliensammlungen. Orte, Akteure und Objekte, 2017.
- Förschler, »perfectibilité d'espèce«? Die >Curieux< und die Vögel an der Schwelle..., 2017.
- Geier, Meat markets: the cultural history of bloody London, 2017.
- Gerhardt, Narrating Entanglement: Cixous’ “Stigmata, or Job the Dog”, 2017.
- Gilmour, Animals in the Writings of C. S. Lewis, 2017.
- Goetschel, Animal Spa Die phantastischen Geschichten des Tieranwalts, 2017.
- Gorman, Woodpecker, 2017.
- Gras, Cinematic Time in Bestiaire and Bovines, 2017.
- Hermann, Animal Minds across Discourse Domains., 2017.
- Hilbert, ›Gewöhnliche‹ Erfahrung in der Wissenschaft vom Tier, 2017.
- Houser, After Coetzee: an anthology of animal fictions, 2017.
- Huang, Sheep in Huan Tie, 2017.
- Hurn, Anthropology and cryptozoology: exploring encounters with mysterious creatures, 2017.
- Hurn, Cryptids and Credulity: the Zanzibar Leopard and Other Imaginary Beings, 2017.
- Hurn, Cryptids, Classification and Categories of Cats: an Ethnozoological Study of..., 2017.
- Hurn, Digesting ‘cryptid’ snakes: A phenomenological approach to the mythic and..., 2017.
- Hurn, Enigmatic Bush Dwarfs of West Africa: The Case of the..., 2017.
- Hurn, Far from the Madding Crowd: Big Cats on Dartmoor and..., 2017.
- Hurn, Ganka: Trickster or Endangered Species? An anthropologist’s role in preventing..., 2017.
- Hurn, Human Predation and Animal Sociality: The Transformational Agency of ‘Wolf..., 2017.
- Hurn, Introduction, 2017.
- Hurn, Land of Beasts and Dragons. Contemporary Myth-Making in Rural Wales., 2017.
- Hurn, Mermaids in Brazil: The (ongoing) creolisation of the water goddesses..., 2017.
- Hurn, Suspending disbelief and experiencing the extraordinary: how radical participation may..., 2017.
- Hurn, The Place of Cryptids in Taxonomic Debates, 2017.
- Hurn, ‘By dreaming I’ll go to the tiger-world’: the Naga tiger-man..., 2017.
- Höing, Unreliability and the Animal Narrator in Richard Adams’s The Plague..., 2017.
- Ibbotson, Making sense? Visual Cultures of De-extinction and the Anthropocentric Archive, 2017.
- Jackson, Companion Species and Model Systems: Researcher and Animal Relationships in..., 2017.
- K49814, Breathing without Pausing, 2017.
- Kalof, Animals in Folklore, 2017.
- Kalof, The Oxford handbook of animal studies, 2017.
- Kay, Animal skins and the reading self in medieval Latin and..., 2017.
- Kompatscher-Gufler, Human-Animal Studies: eine Einführung für Studierende und Lehrende, 2017.
- Koschorke, Keeping it Simple, Making it Difficult: Morphologische Reihen bei Goethe..., 2017.
- Kostuch, Do animals have a homeland? Ancient Greeks on the cultural..., 2017.
- Kraß, Das Pferd Beyart. Ritter hoch vier – das Wunderpferd Beyart..., 2017.
- Kraß, Das Pferd Bukephalos. Bukephalos als >Alter Ego< Alexanders des Großen., 2017.
- Kraß, Der Adler, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Eber, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Esel, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Falke, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Fuchs, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Hund, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Löwe, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Rabe, 2017.
- Kraß, Der Wolf, 2017.
- Kraß, Die Katze, 2017.
- Kraß, Einführung, 2017.
- Kraß, Tiere in Namen, 2017.
- Kraß, Tiere: Begleiter des Menschen in der Literatur des Mittelalters, 2017.
- Krischke, Schaurinder und deren Menschen. Die Kuh im Wandel der deutschen..., 2017.
- Kölczer, Beziehungs(un)fähig? Zur Rezeption einer mythologischen Tier-Mensch-Relation im Wiedehopf-Exempel Konrads von..., 2017.
- Körner, Gutes Tier – böser Mensch? Psychologie der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung, 2017.
- Laird, From Underdog to Overview, 2017.
- Landau, Preserving the (Uncunny) End of Nature: Hiroshi Sugimoto's Dioramas, 2017.
- Laue, Das sozialistische Tier: Auswirkungen der SED-Politik auf gesellschaftliche Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in..., 2017.
- Laufer, 25FT, 2017.
- Law, Urban Co-Habitation in Exposure, 2017.
- Liebe, Legaler und illegaler Tierrechtsaktivismus. Eine empirische Annäherung, 2017.
- Liebe, Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen. Einblicke in die Bevölkerungsmeinung, 2017.
- Low, Rendered Absolutely Marginal, 2017.
- Lummaa, Kui trittitii! Finnish avian poetics, 2017.
- Lundblad, Animalities: literary and cultural studies beyond the human, 2017.
- Marchesini, Over the Human: Post-humanism and the Concept of Animal Epiphany, 2017.
- Mason, The Unnaturalness Objection to De-Extinction: A Critical Evaluation, 2017.
- Mattfeld, Becoming centaur: eighteenth-century masculinity and English horsemanship, 2017.
- Mayr, Drei Fragen an Margot Michel, 2017.
- Mayr, McDowell und das Leben der Tiere, 2017.
- Mayr, Naturalistische Argumente in der Tierethik und warum sie uns nicht..., 2017.
- Mayr, Sind Tiere Personen?, 2017.
- Mayr, Tier und Religion(en). Theologische Tierethik im Kontext, 2017.
- Mayr, Tiere als Personen, aber nicht als Staatsbürger, 2017.
- Mayr, Tiere und Personalität, 2017.
- Mayr, Tierrechte und die menschliche Entnutzung der Fauna, 2017.
- Mayr, Tierrechte, 2017.
- Mayr, Tierschutz und Tierrechte, 2017.
- Mayr, Von der Tierliebe in den Voralpen Die unkonventionellen Ansichten über..., 2017.
- Mayr, Von der Verbundenheit alles Lebendigen Was der Mensch beim begrenzten..., 2017.
- Mayr, Was sind Tierrechte? Zur notwendigen Weiterentwicklung des Tierrechtsbegriffs, 2017.
- Mayr, Zulässigkeit von Beschränkungen des Handels mit tierquälerisch hergestellten Pelzprodukten, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture: Contexts for Criticism, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Reptiles: Anthony Trollope and the Australian..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, Black Beauty: The Emotional Work of Pretend Play, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Bull’s-eye, Agency, and the Species Divide in Oliver Twist: a..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, Cathy’s Whip and Heathcliff’s Snarl: Control, Violence, Care, and Rights..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, Collecting the Live and the Skinned, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Creatures on the “Night-Side of Nature”: James Thomson’s Melancholy Ethics, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Dickens, Household Words, and the Smithfield Controversy at the Time..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, Dogs’ Homes and Lethal Chambers, or, What Was it Like..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, Insect Politics in Richard Marsh’s The Beetle, 2017.
- Mazzeno, Performing Animals/Performing Humanity, 2017.
- Mazzeno, “Come Buy, Come Buy!”: Christina Rossetti and the Victorian Animal..., 2017.
- Mazzeno, “I Declare I Never Saw so Lovely an Animal!”: Beauty,..., 2017.
- McCracken, In the skin of a beast: sovereignty and animality in..., 2017.
- McHugh, Garry Marvin and Susa McHugh, 2017.
- McHugh, One or Several Dogs?, 2017.
- McLaughlin, Pierre Huyghe Untilted (Human Mask): The Other in the Open, 2017.
- Meighoo, Human Language, Animal Code, and the Question of Beeing, 2017.
- Meighoo, The Function of HumAnimAllegory, 2017.
- Meitzler, Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben? Der tote Vierbeiner – ein..., 2017.
- Miau, Wie man einen Menschen hat: oder: Über die artgerechte Haltung..., 2017.
- Michelini, Umwelt der Tiere und Welt der Menschen. Dichotomie oder Relationalität?, 2017.
- Michelini, Vielfältig verflochten: interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Tier-Mensch-Relationalität, 2017.
- Middelhoff, Literary Autozoographies: Contextualizing Species Life in German Animal Autobiography, 2017.
- Middelhoff, ‚Liebes Herrchen, liebes Frauchen!‘ Überlegungen zu fiktionalen Tierbriefen und ihren..., 2017.
- Milling, Sand im Getriebe der ›anthropologischen Maschine‹. Kim Jones' Rat Piece, 2017.
- Mondry, Selecting Candidates for De-extinction and Resurrection: Mammoths, Lenin’s Tomb and..., 2017.
- Muller, Elephant Tracings: A Critical Animal/ Postcolonial Geneology of The Royal..., 2017.
- Nadal, The Real Life of Holy Cows, 2017.
- Nhaban, Zwischen Natur und Kultur. Der Grenzgänger Hund. Zur Symbolik der..., 2017.
- Nocella, The intersectionality of critical animal, disability, and environmental studies: toward..., 2017.
- Noheden, Jan Swankmajer's Surrealism and Dark Ecology, 2017.
- Novero, Animal Encounters and Ecological Anxiety in W. G. Sebald, 2017.
- Novero, Echoes of Ecocriticism: An Introduction, 2017.
- Novero, Geological Uncertainty and Poetic Creativity: The Material Agency of Findlinge..., 2017.
- Novero, Gewaltbereitschaft und Sprachverzicht: Die filmische Verhandlung der Nahrungsmittelproduktion in Nikolaus..., 2017.
- Novero, It's Not Easy Being Green: Integrating Refugees in German Environmentalist..., 2017.
- Novero, Material Ecocriticism and Peter Handke's Versuch über den Pilznarren, 2017.
- Novero, Negative Dialectics of Nature: From Nature's Death to New Materialisms, 2017.
- Novero, Of rocks, mushrooms and animals: material ecocriticism in German-speaking cultures, 2017.
- Novero, Reflections on Loss: Family Memory and the Natural Environment in..., 2017.
- Novero, Tom Denlinger's More Than Human Photography, 2017.
- Ohrem, A Dog’s Death: Art as a Work of Mourning, 2017.
- Ohrem, An Address from Elsewhere: Vulnerability, Relationality, and Conceptions of Creaturely..., 2017.
- Ohrem, Animals as Signifiers: Re-Reading Michel Foucault’s The Order of Things..., 2017.
- Ohrem, Animating Creaturely Life, 2017.
- Ohrem, Beyond the Human-Animal Divide: Creaturely Lives in Literature and Culture, 2017.
- Ohrem, Creaturely Apotheosis: Posthumanist Vulnerability in Hans Henny Jahnn’s Perrudja, 2017.
- Ohrem, Cuts: The Rhythms of “Healing-with” Companion Animals, 2017.
- Ohrem, Earth Ethics and Creaturely Cohabitation, 2017.
- Ohrem, Fearful Symmetries: Pirandello’s Tiger and the Resistance to Metaphor, 2017.
- Ohrem, Playing like a Loser, 2017.
- Ohrem, Reading Seeing: Literary Form, Affect, and the Creaturely Potential of..., 2017.
- Ohrem, Storying Creaturely Life, 2017.
- Ohrem, The Collaborative Craft of Creaturely Writing, 2017.
- Ohrem, Thinking about Talking about Writing about … “Animals”, 2017.
- Ohrem, “Creature Comforts”: Crafting a Common Language Across the Species Divide, 2017.
- Ohrem, “The Impulse Towards Silence”: Creaturely Expressivity in Beckett and Coetzee, 2017.
- Parker-Starbuck, Doo-Sung-You and Jennifer Parker Starbuck, 2017.
- Parkinson, Sean Cunitt and Claire Parkinson, 2017.
- Parry, Other Animals in Twenty-First Century Fiction, 2017.
- Pettman, Creaturely love: how desire makes us more and less than..., 2017.
- Porcher, The ethics of animal labor: a collaborative utopia, 2017.
- Potts, Yvette Watt and Annie Potts, 2017.
- Presche, Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen in Barock und Aufklärung. Empirische Spurensuche in der hessischen..., 2017.
- Preuss, ,Abnorme Paarungen versuchen‘. Naturgeschichtliche Betisen in Flauberts ,Bouvard et Pécuchet‘, 2017.
- Price, Animals and Desire in South African Fiction: Biopolitics and the..., 2017.
- Puig de la Bellacasa, Matters of care: speculative ethics in more than human worlds, 2017.
- Quinsey, Animals and humans: sensibility and representation, 1650-1820, 2017.
- Recarte, Guillermo Vargas’s Exposition #1 in the Context of Global Animal..., 2017.
- Reichholf, Haustiere: unsere nahen und doch so fremden Begleiter, 2017.
- Reinert, Wärter und Tiere zwischen Hochnatur und Populärkultur in der Geschichte..., 2017.
- Rodrigues, Afterword: Realigning Multiculturalism and Animal Rights, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Animals and the Challenges of Ethnocentrism, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Animals Off the Menu: A Racist Proposal?, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Do Political Parties Instrumentalize Animal Rights? A Comparison of Votes..., 2017.
- Rodrigues, Duties Toward Animals versus Rights to Culture: An African Approach..., 2017.
- Rodrigues, Group Privilege and Political Division: The Problem of Fox Hunting..., 2017.
- Rodrigues, Is Multiculturalism Good for Animals?, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Islam and Animals in the Postdomestic Context, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Kaporos: Multiculturalism, Ethics, and Anymals, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Legal Protection for Whales: Capabilities, Entitlements, and Culture, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Political Liberalism, Human Cultures, and Nonhuman Lives, 2017.
- Rodrigues, Racism, Speciesism and Suffering, 2017.
- Rother, Becoming Zoö-curious: Reading Sexual Differences in the Field of Animal..., 2017.
- Ruhland, Insekten und die Regeneration des Lebendigen in der Naturgeschichte des..., 2017.
- Röhrs, An Animal-Centered Perspective on Colonial Oppression: Animal Representations and the..., 2017.
- Santos, Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen als Merkmal in zukünftigen Zuchtprogrammen. Relationalität von Verhaltensmerkmalen mit..., 2017.
- Sax, Lizard, 2017.
- Sax, What is Philosophical Ethology?, 2017.
- Schlosser, Domestic Intimacies: Documentaing an Interspecies Community, 2017.
- Schul, Erlesene Animalität. Intersektionale Emotionalisierungsprozesse im spätmittelalterlichen Heldenepos, 2017.
- Schul, »Wolfsbegegnung mit Folgen« Interspezifische Fürsorge-Relationen in der Wolfdietrich-Epik, 2017.
- Schuster, Photographing the Last Animal, 2017.
- Schweitzer, Die Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben: Grundtexte aus fünf Jahrzehnten., 2017.
- Schönbeck, „‘Sire,’ says the fox“: The Zoopoetics and Zoopolitics of the..., 2017.
- Schürmann, Heimkehr ins Neuland. Die erste Auswilderung von Schimpansen und ihre..., 2017.
- Scotton, Duties to Socialise with Domesticated Animals: Farmed Animal Sanctuaries as..., 2017.
- Sherbert, Revising Posthumanist Aesthetics in the Ethical Treatment of Nonhuman Animals, 2017.
- Skogen, Wolf conflicts: a sociological study, 2017.
- Smaill, Encountering Animals: Re-Viewing the Cinema of Jean Painleve, 2017.
- Smith, Animals in Tillich's Philosophical Theology, 2017.
- Snæbjörnsdóttir, The Harrisons and Snaebjornsdottir/Wilson, 2017.
- Speitkamp, Vielfältig verflochten? Zugänge zur Tier-Mensch-Relationalität. Eine Einleitung, 2017.
- Strathausen, Bioaesthetics: making sense of life in science and the arts, 2017.
- Swan, Where honeybees thrive: stories from the field, 2017.
- Tait, [Performance Review] Species Blindness: Is There a Role For a..., 2017.
- Tarizzo, Life: a modern invention, 2017.
- Thöne, Vegetarische Löwen und sprechende Esel. Beziehungsgefüge im Alten Testament, 2017.
- Tortorici, Visualizing Animal Death, 2017.
- Townend, A life for animals, 2017.
- Tsing, Arts of living on a damaged planet, 2017.
- Twine, A Practice Theory Framework for Understanding Vegan Transition, 2017.
- Ullrich, Animal Dances. Tierdarstellung im modernen und zeitgenössischen Tanz, 2017.
- Ullrich, Arachnomimesis. Spinnen im Netz mimetischer Projektion, 2017.
- Ullrich, Die Fliege an der Wand. Von illusionistischen Insekten und dem..., 2017.
- Ullrich, Diesseits des Tiers. Ein Kommentar zur Mimesis bei Adorno, 2017.
- Ullrich, Drei Elche für ein Diorama. Zur mimetischen Qualität des raumbildlichen..., 2017.
- Ullrich, Mimesis - Mimikry - Mimese, 2017.
- Ullrich, Mimesis re-interpretieren. Wissen im Moment der Hybridisierung, 2017.
- Ullrich, Mimetisches Lernen als kulturelles Lernen, 2017.
- Ullrich, Von der Zoologie zum Einhorn. Das Tier in der Ökologie..., 2017.
- Ullrich, Zwei Fliegen. Zum Stand der Dinge im Stillleben, 2017.
- Unknown author, Special Issue: „Animal Narratology“, 2017.
- Vos, Provocations from the Field - Extinction, Encountering and the Exigencies..., 2017.
- Wallen, Whose dog are you? the technology of dog breeds and..., 2017.
- Wannenmacher, Tier und Religion(en). Theologische Tierethik im Kontext, 2017.
- White, Where Do Animals Live in Our Subconscious?, 2017.
- Williams, Hippopotamus, 2017.
- Winders, Captive Wildlife at a Crossroads – Sanctuaries, Accreditation, and Humane-Washing, 2017.
- Wischermann, Zwischen ‚Vieh‘ und ‚Freund‘. Historische Annäherungen an das Selbst eines..., 2017.
- Wolch, Animals in Contemporary Architecture and Design, 2017.
- Wolf, In den Augen der Betrachter. Ein aktueller Blick auf Tier,..., 2017.
- Woods, Patterns of Animal Disease, 2017.
- Woodward, Animated Animals: Allegories of Transformation in Khumba, 2017.
- Woodward, Border Crossings: Animals, Tricksters and Shape-Shifters in Modern Native American..., 2017.
- Woodward, Cross-Pollinating: Indigenous Knowledges of Extinction and Genocide in Honeybee Fictions, 2017.
- Woodward, Indigenous Creatures, Native Knowledges, and the Arts, 2017.
- Woodward, Interrogating the Sacred Art of Vetkat Regopstaan Boesman Kruiper, 2017.
- Woodward, I’m Mad You’re Mad We Are All Mad: The Alice..., 2017.
- Woodward, Kabbo Sings the Animals, 2017.
- Woodward, Magic Wells, the Stream and the Flow: The Promise of..., 2017.
- Woodward, Qing and the Animals of the Drakensberg-Maloti, 2017.
- Woodward, Spirit Guards: A Squad of Ceramic Dogs in South Africa, 2017.
- Woodward, The Porosity of Human/Nonhuman Beings in Neil Gaiman’s American Gods..., 2017.
- Woodward, Tricksters, Animals, New Materialities, and Indigenous Wisdoms, 2017.
- Woodward, ‘The Only Facts are Supernatural Ones’: Dreaming Animals and Trauma..., 2017.
- Yamamoto, Wild boar, 2017.
- Yates, Of sheep, oranges, and yeast: a multispecies impression, 2017.
- Young, A Zoo Without Walls: Andre' Bazin's Animals, 2017.