Book published in 2019
Found 459 books from the year 2019
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- Acari, Making Sense of ‘Food’ Animals: A Critical Exploration of the..., 2019.
- Alexis, Disturbing Animals in a Christian Perspective: Re/Considering Sacrifice, Incarnation and..., 2019.
- Allen, Pelican, 2019.
- Allerkamp, Die Adresse des Bären. Kleists Marionettentheater und die Anekdoten der..., 2019.
- Allerkamp, Dressieren, Führen, Erziehen. Zur Kritik von Gewaltverhältnissen in zwei Fabeln..., 2019.
- Allerkamp, Off Cage. Kleists Herrmannsbärin, 2019.
- Allerkamp, Tolle Hunde. Kleists Poetologie und der Tollwutdiskurs, 2019.
- Aloi, Abbas Akhavan: Fatigues, 2019.
- Aloi, Dioramas: Realism and Decorum, 2019.
- Aloi, Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr: Art and the Semi-Living, 2019.
- Anderson, Dynamic Form, 2019.
- Angleton, In Pursuit of Variegation, 2019.
- Armstrong, Art-Eco-Science. Field Collaborations, 2019.
- Arrends, Mark Dion: Systema Metropolis, 2019.
- Atkinson, Tomás Saraceno: Interfacing nature and culture through art and science, 2019.
- Badri-Spröwitz, Das Tier als Modell für Roboter, und Roboter als Modell..., 2019.
- Baker, Writing Animals: Language, Suffering, and Animality in Twenty-First-Century Fiction, 2019.
- Barcz, Animals and their people: connecting east and west in cultural..., 2019.
- Barstow, Food of sinful demons: meat, vegetarianism, and the limits of..., 2019.
- Beattie, The Bird Gallery, 2019.
- Beddard, Making Nature, 2019.
- Berland, Virtual menageries: animals as mediators in network cultures, 2019.
- Bezan, Dodo Birds and the Anthropogenic Wonderlands of Harri Kallio, 2019.
- Bezan, Regenesis Aesthetics: Visual-izing the Woolly Mammoth in De-Extinction Science, 2019.
- Blalock, Engineering Spaces for Cyborgs, 2019.
- Blattner, Protecting animals within and across borders: extraterritorial jurisdiction and the..., 2019.
- Bolinski, Das verdatete Tier: Zum Animal Turn in den Kultur- und..., 2019.
- Bolinski, Einleitung, 2019.
- Bolinski, Living memory, 2019.
- Borgards, Der virtuelle Zoo, 2019.
- Borgards, “Wie in Verzweiflung stürzten Beide aufeinander los!” Büchner’s Lenz is..., 2019.
- Borkfelt, Sensing Slaughter: Exploring the Sounds and Smells of Nonhuman Literary..., 2019.
- Bossert, Reflexionen zwischen Tierrechten, Befreiung und Dekonstruktion, 2019.
- Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2019.
- Boyle, Flying Icon: The Urban Pigeon and the Human-Animal Relationship in..., 2019.
- Boyle, Remembering the Huia: Extinction and Nostalgia in a Bird World, 2019.
- Brandt, Music for Animals, 2019.
- Braverman, Fish Encounters: Aquariums and their Veterinarians in a Rapidly Changing..., 2019.
- Brink, Ordering the Invisible, 2019.
- British Library, Robert Hooke’s Macrographia, 2019.
- Brown, Pain and Emotion in Fishes – Fish Welfare Implications for..., 2019.
- Buiani, Squatting for SciArt, 2019.
- Bullard, But You Didn’t Come Here to Tell Stories!, 2019.
- Bunyak, Will Curiosity® Kill the Cat?: Technoscience and Free Living Cats..., 2019.
- Byrne, Dance of the dung beetles: their role in our changing..., 2019.
- Böhm, Animal Encounters: Kontakt, Interaktion und Relationalität, 2019.
- Böhm, Empathic Animal Encounters: Thomas Mann’s Herr und Hund and the..., 2019.
- Böhm, Introduction—Animal Encounters: Contact, Interaction and Relationality, 2019.
- Calarco, On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Alliance Politics for Animal..., 2019.
- Cavalieri, Animal Liberation: Pathways to Politics, 2019.
- Cheng, Eugenia Cheng: The Art of Logic, 2019.
- Chung, Sougwen Chung: Drawing Operations, 2019.
- Clover, Heading South into Town, 2019.
- Cortés Zulueta, Two Diverging Cosmologies from the Tiny to the Huge: Liang..., 2019.
- Cronin, Art for Animals: visual culture and animal advocacy, 1870-1914., 2019.
- Delehanty, Six philosophies for a habitat diorama artist, 2019.
- Diehl, Agrarwende auch für Tiere Gesellschaftliche Grundlagen und Herausforderungen, 2019.
- Diehl, Animal Mainstreaming Motivation und Bedeutung eines neuen Konzepts in der..., 2019.
- Diehl, Anthropozentrismus – zur Problematisierung des Mensch-Tier-Dualismus, 2019.
- Diehl, Aquakulturen Systeme und Tierwohlaspekte, 2019.
- Diehl, Bilanz des Staatsziels Tierschutz seit Einführung in das Grundgesetz, 2019.
- Diehl, Brauchen wir Fleisch? Essgewohnheiten auf dem Prüfstand, 2019.
- Diehl, Die Herausforderung der Rechts- durchsetzung Aktuelle Tierrechtsfälle, neuere Urteile und..., 2019.
- Diehl, Die Rechtsstellung von Tieren Status quo und Weiterentwicklung, 2019.
- Diehl, Eine Kritik der Jagd, 2019.
- Diehl, Eine Obergrenze für Leiden und Schmerzen der Versuchstiere ist notwendig..., 2019.
- Diehl, Gastrosophie – über eine Ethik des Essens, 2019.
- Diehl, Geschichte des Tierschutzes Von der Aufklärung bis zur veganen Revolution, 2019.
- Diehl, Gute Zoos – eine moderne Notwendigkeit, 2019.
- Diehl, Haben Tiere Rechte? Aspekte und Dimensionen der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung, 2019.
- Diehl, Historische Perspektiven auf den Zoo, 2019.
- Diehl, Human-Animal Studies Tiere als Forschungsperspektive, 2019.
- Diehl, Intensivhaltung von Nutztieren in Deutschland Probleme und Alternativen, 2019.
- Diehl, Jedem Wildtier dienen Überlegungen zu einer aus tierethischer Sicht vertretbaren..., 2019.
- Diehl, Können sie leiden? Ein Einblick in die moderne Tierethik am..., 2019.
- Diehl, Landestierschutzbeauftragte – Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten Ein Praxisbericht, 2019.
- Diehl, Menschen und Tiere: ein politisches Verhältnis, 2019.
- Diehl, Psychologische Aspekte des Mensch-Tier- Verhältnisses Am Beispiel des Fleischkonsums, 2019.
- Diehl, Rechte für Tiere?, 2019.
- Diehl, Subjekt oder Objekt? Ambivalente gesellschaftliche Mensch-Tier- Beziehungen als Resultat kultureller..., 2019.
- Diehl, Tiermetaphern und andere anthropozentrische Sprachphänomene Was sie über das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis..., 2019.
- Diehl, Tierschutzgesetz weist schwere Mängel auf, 2019.
- Diehl, Tiertransporte – Endstation Schlachthof, 2019.
- Diehl, Tierversuche durchzuführen, heißt, doppelt Verantwortung zu übernehmen, 2019.
- Diehl, Warum Zoos sich weitgehend abschaffen sollten, 2019.
- Diehl, Was ist gerecht im Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Tier? Religion..., 2019.
- Diehl, Was kann das Tier? Erkenntnisse der modernen Verhaltensbiologie, 2019.
- Diehl, Wildfang von Fischen Aus der Sicht des Tierwohls, 2019.
- Diehl, Wildtierhaltung im Zirkus, 2019.
- Diehl, Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement für Tiere Unterschiedliche Ansätze, 2019.
- Diehl, »One Health« – Gefahren durch Antibiotikaresistenzen, 2019.
- Donaldson, How Shall We Live Together? A Response to Paola Cavalieri, 2019.
- Dreyer, Begegnungen mit Kunst und Schmetterlingen: The Lover von Kristina Buch, 2019.
- Drouin, A philosophy of the insect, 2019.
- Dubbin, Metals Have Memory, 2019.
- Dubreuil, Dialogues on the human ape, 2019.
- Dumitriu, Contemporary Relics: Threads Across Time in Bio Art, 2019.
- Dunn, Kaimangatanga: Maori Perspectives on Veganism and Plant-based Kai, 2019.
- Duxbury, Property, Pain and Pastoral Power: The Advent of Animal Welfare..., 2019.
- Esparza, Parasitos Urbanos, 2019.
- Evans, Is There a Turtle in this Text? Animals in the..., 2019.
- Farrier, Anthropocene poetics: deep time, sacrifice zones, and extinction, 2019.
- Fee, Polar bear, 2019.
- Ferro Milone, Mensch-Tier-Begegnungen in Kurt Vonneguts Roman Slaughterhouse-Five, 2019.
- Fix, Toward Interspecies Thinking as a Collaborative Concept: Autoethnographies at the..., 2019.
- Flyntz, Cooking Sex: Products and Porous Bodies, 2019.
- Forget, Goethe’s Color Theory: Optics and Visual Poetry, 2019.
- Fortes, Flying Thoughts, 2019.
- Foster, Marx und entfremdeter Speziesismus, 2019.
- Freter, Veganismus als Anti-Nihilismus, 2019.
- Förschler, Heim/Tier: Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen im Wohnen, 2019.
- Förschler, Wohnen als interspecies relationship, 2019.
- Förschler, Zimmerbilder unsichtbarer Welten. Eine neue Ökologie mit Haushund, Mensch und..., 2019.
- Gindhart, Biogeography, Autobiography, and Wildlife Protection, 2019.
- Giraud, What comes after entanglement? activism, anthropocentrism, and an ethics of..., 2019.
- Goldner, Mangelhaft bis Ungenügend, 2019.
- Gould, The Filmic Slaughterhouse, 2019.
- Gracie, Laboratory Life, 2019.
- Gregorio, Ernst Haeckel and the Unity of Culture, 2019.
- Grobler, Encounters with The Visitor Centre: Art and Interspecies Relationships, 2019.
- Groizard, Greyhounds and Racing Industry Participants: A Look at the New..., 2019.
- Gruen, Entangled Empathy: Politics and Practice, 2019.
- Guest, Circus Studs and Equestrian Sports in Turn- of- the- Century..., 2019.
- Guest, Circus Studs and Equestrian Sports in Turn-of-the-Century France, 2019.
- Guest, Equestrian cultures: horses, human society, and the discourse of modernity, 2019.
- Guest, Heritage Ican or Environmental Pest? Brumbies in the Australian Cultural..., 2019.
- Guest, Heritage Icon or Environmental Pest? Brumbies in the Australian Cultural..., 2019.
- Guest, Horsemeat is certainly delicious: Anxiety, Xenophobia, and Rationalism in a..., 2019.
- Guest, Horses at Waterloo, 1815, 2019.
- Guest, Introduction: Equestrian Cultures, 2019.
- Guest, Machines of Feeling: Bits and Interspecies Communication in the Eighteenth..., 2019.
- Guest, More than a Horse: The Cultural Work of Racehorse Biography, 2019.
- Guest, Narratives of Race and Racehorses in the Art of Edward..., 2019.
- Guest, Narratives of Race and Racehorses in the Art of Edward..., 2019.
- Guest, Stabilizing Politics: The Stables of Weißenstein Castle in Pommersfelden (1717-21), 2019.
- Guest, The Agency and the Matter of the dead Horse in..., 2019.
- Guest, The Aura of dignity: On Connection and Trust in the..., 2019.
- Guest, The Politics of Reproduction: Horse Breeding and State Studs in..., 2019.
- Guest, The Politics of Reproduction: Horse Breeding and State Studs in..., 2019.
- Guest, Trading Horses in the Eighteenth Century: Rhode Island and the..., 2019.
- Guest, Trading Horses in the Eighteenth Century: Rhode Island and the..., 2019.
- Guest, “Horsemeat Is Certainly Delicious”: Anxiety, Xenophobia, and Rationalism at a..., 2019.
- Guest, “More Than a Horse”: The Cultural Work of Racehorse Biography, 2019.
- Gundermann, Equine/Human Lyme Embodiments: Towards a Feminist Ecology of Entangled Becomings, 2019.
- Hamilton, Provocations from the Field: Animals and the War on Drugs, 2019.
- Herrmann, Afterword: Evidence over Interests, 2019.
- Herrmann, Animal experimentation: working towards a paradigm change, 2019.
- Herrmann, Animal Research for Alzheimer Disease: Failures of Science and Ethics, 2019.
- Herrmann, Behavioral Research on Captive Animals: Scientific and Ethical Concerns, 2019.
- Herrmann, Beyond Plausibility Checks: A Case for Moral Doubt in Review..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Contesting Animal Experiments through Ethics and Epistemology: In Defense of..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Critically Evaluating Animal Research, 2019.
- Herrmann, Disease Prevention with a Plant-based Lifestyle, 2019.
- Herrmann, Ethics, Efficacy, and Decision-making in Animal Research, 2019.
- Herrmann, Extrapolation of Animal Research Data to Humans: An Analysis of..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Genetic Modification of Animals: Scientific and Ethical Issues, 2019.
- Herrmann, How Can the Final Goal of Completely Replacing Animal Procedures..., 2019.
- Herrmann, How to Evaluate the Science of Non-human Animal Use in..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Human Wrongs in Animal Research: A Focus on Moral Injury..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Humane Education: The Tool for Scientific Revolution in Brazil, 2019.
- Herrmann, Increasing the Transparency of Animal Experimentation: An Australian Perspective, 2019.
- Herrmann, Is Animal-based Biomedical Research Being Used in Its Original Context?, 2019.
- Herrmann, Modernizing Biomedical Training: Replacing Live Animal Laboratories with Human Simulation, 2019.
- Herrmann, Political Campaigning: Where Scientific and Ethical Arguments Meet Public Policy, 2019.
- Herrmann, Recent Developments in Alternatives to Animal Testing, 2019.
- Herrmann, Refinement on the Way Towards Replacement: Are We Doing What..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Replacing Animal Tests to Improve Safety for Humans, 2019.
- Herrmann, Research and Testing Without Animals: Where Are We Now and..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Rethinking the 3Rs: From Whitewashing to Rights, 2019.
- Herrmann, The Changing Paradigm in Preclinical Toxicology: in vitro and in..., 2019.
- Herrmann, The Moral Status of Animal Research Subjects in Industry: A..., 2019.
- Herrmann, The Potential of Organ on Chip Technology for Replacing Animal..., 2019.
- Herrmann, The Scientific Problems with Using Non-Human Animals to Predict Human..., 2019.
- Herrmann, Wasted Money in United States Biomedical and Agricultural Animal Research, 2019.
- Herrmann, When Is an Alternative Not an Alternative? Supporting Progress for..., 2019.
- Hiergeist, Wolle, Wert, Würde. Mensch-Tier-Begegnungen bei der Schafzucht im Spanien des..., 2019.
- Howell, The Trouble with Liminanimals, 2019.
- Hunold, Green Infrastructure and Urban Wildlife: Toward a Politics of Sight, 2019.
- Huth, Framed Encounters, Disruptive Encounters: Encountering Animals Within and Beyond Human-Animal..., 2019.
- Hutton, A reason to live: HIV and animal companions, 2019.
- Inomata, Aki Inomata: Think Evolution, 2019.
- Ison, Animal Abuse and Advocating for the Carceral: Critiquing Animal Abuse..., 2019.
- John, Animal Colonialism—Illustrating Intersections between Animal Studies and Settler Colonial Studies..., 2019.
- Johnson, Companions in conflict: animals in occupied Palestine, 2019.
- Johnson, First Dog, Last Dog: New Intertextual Short Fictions about Canis..., 2019.
- Jones, Provocations from the Field - Derangement and Resistance: Reflections from..., 2019.
- Jones, Wasp, 2019.
- Kaarlenkaski, Living Machines with Gentle Looks: Materiality and Animal Body in..., 2019.
- Kac, Eduardo Kac: From Holopo-ems to Outer Space, 2019.
- KAPLAN, Menschenrechte und Tierrechte. Solidarität mit den Leidensfähigen, 2019.
- Keats, Reciprocal Biomimicry, 2019.
- Kirkland, TAXA, 2019.
- Komjathy, Taming the Wild Horse: an annotated translation and study of..., 2019.
- Koons, Becoming Avian in the Anthropocene: Performing the Feather Dance and..., 2019.
- Kopnina, If Animals Could Talk: Reflection on the Dutch Party for..., 2019.
- Kowner, A Million Horses: Raising Government Horses in Early Ming China, 2019.
- Kowner, Animal Signs: Theriomorphic Intercession Between Heaven and Imperial Mongolian History, 2019.
- Kowner, Animals and Human Society in Asia: An Overview and Premises, 2019.
- Kowner, Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical..., 2019.
- Kowner, China’s Dairy Century: Making, Drinking and Dreaming of Milk, 2019.
- Kowner, Domestication of the Donkey (Equus asinus) in the Southern Levant:..., 2019.
- Kowner, Elephants in Mongol History: From Military Obstacles to Symbols of..., 2019.
- Kowner, From Lion to Tiger: The Changing Buddhist Images of Apex..., 2019.
- Kowner, Hunting to Herding to Trading to Warfare: A Chronology of..., 2019.
- Kowner, Spilling Blood: Conflict and Culture over Animal Slaughter in Mongol..., 2019.
- Kowner, The Chinese Cult of the Horse King, Divine Protector of..., 2019.
- Kowner, The Mamluk’s Best Friend: The Mounts of the Military Elite..., 2019.
- Kowner, Tuna as an Economic Resource and Symbolic Capital in Japan’s..., 2019.
- Kowner, When Elephants Roamed Asia: The Significance of Proboscideans in Diet,..., 2019.
- Kozak, Reclaiming Indigenous Identity through Animal Advocacy In Art: Adrian Stimson..., 2019.
- Kurth, Verdatung als Instrument zur Befreiung?, 2019.
- Kynast, Personalerweiterung: Gefüge von Menschen, Phantomen und Hunden in der Blindenführhundausbildung..., 2019.
- Lascelles, A Spira Inspired Approach to Animal Protection Advocacy for Rabbits..., 2019.
- Lau, Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien 2, 2019.
- Li, Mobilizing Traditions in the First Wave of the British Animal..., 2019.
- Lillge, Über Jäger und Jagdhunde: Literarische und bildkünstlerische Verhandlungen einer Mensch-Tier-Begegnung, 2019.
- Lin, Smallpox Syndrome, 2019.
- Lobb, The Flight of Birds: a Novel in Twelve Stories., 2019.
- Lockwood, [Review] Joshua Lobb, The Flight of Birds. Sydney University Press,..., 2019.
- Lux, Magnify, 2019.
- MacKay, Through the Shadows of Roadkill, 2019.
- Magiels, LABIOMISTA: Biology, Art, and Philosophy, 2019.
- Malina, A Node within a Network of Networks: An Interview with..., 2019.
- Mamers, Human-Bison Relations as Sites of Settler Colonial Violence and Decolonial..., 2019.
- Marquez, Free to Be Dog Haven, 2019.
- Mayfield, Philosophical Animal Encounters with Cynical Affinities: Variants in Diogenes and..., 2019.
- Mayr, (K)ein Bild machen. Zur Ethik der Spur bei Jacques Derrida..., 2019.
- Mayr, Animalische Avantgarde. Zeitgenössische Kundgaben von Trauer um verstorbene Heimtiere, 2019.
- Mayr, Deutschland hat eine heimische Tierart zurück Die Rückkehr der Wölfe..., 2019.
- Mayr, Geliebtes und gehasstes Tier. Historische Aspekte der Heimtierhaltung, 2019.
- Mayr, Haustiere: Ambivalenzen einer Freundschaft, 2019.
- Mayr, Heimtiere, 2019.
- Mayr, Paradigmenwechsel in der Tierethik Ein unerschlossenes Kapitel in der Leonardo-Forschung, 2019.
- Mayr, Qualzucht – warum wir unsere Lieblinge quälen, 2019.
- Mayr, Tierschutzkonform, aber unfair, 2019.
- Mayr, Warum läuft Meng Meng rückwärts? Zur Raumqualität von Zoogehegen und..., 2019.
- Mayr, Wer zum Haushalt gehört. Ethiken des Zusammenlebens in der Diskussion, 2019.
- Mayr, Wolf und Mensch – Skizzen einer dramatischen Beziehung, 2019.
- Mayr, Wölfen begegnen, 2019.
- McCormack, Narrative, Meaning, and Multispecies Ethical Ontologies, 2019.
- McCorry, Belonging to This World: On Living Like an Animal in..., 2019.
- McCorry, Carnophallogocentrism and the Act of Eating Meat in Two Novels..., 2019.
- McCorry, Crossing the Barriers of Taste: The Alimentary Materialism of Jim..., 2019.
- McCorry, Dance with Nothing but Heart (2001): Death, the ‘Animal’ and..., 2019.
- McCorry, Herring Fisheries, Fish-Eating and Natural History in W. G. Sebald’s..., 2019.
- McCorry, Inside the “Butcher’s Shop”: Women’s Great War Writing and Surgical..., 2019.
- McCorry, Kafka’s Meat: Beautiful Processes and Perfect Victims, 2019.
- McCorry, Literature and Meat Since 1900, 2019.
- McCorry, Meanings of Meat in Videogames, 2019.
- McCorry, Narrative Possibilities in Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meats, 2019.
- McCorry, The Literary Invention of In Vitro Meat: Ontology, Nostalgia and..., 2019.
- McCorry, “A Grain of Brain”: Women and Farm Animals in Collections..., 2019.
- McCorry, “Necessary Murder”: Eating Meat Against Fascism in Orwell and Auden, 2019.
- McCorry, “They’ll Be Breeding Us Like Cattle!”: Population Ecology and Human..., 2019.
- McHugh, Love in a time of slaughters: human-animal stories against genocide..., 2019.
- Meer, Returning to Wild? Four lions’ journey from circus to “sanctuary”, 2019.
- Meijer, Animal languages, 2019.
- Meijer, The Melancholic Animal — On Depression and Animality, 2019.
- Meis, Von lebenden Lupen und sehenden Tentakeln, 2019.
- Middelhoff, (Not) Speaking for Animals and the Environment: Zoopoetics and Ecopoetics..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, A Darwinism of the Muck and Mire: Decomposing the Eco-..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Action, Framework, and the Poetics of “Co-Making”: A Testing Device..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Ants and Battlefields, Beetles and Landscapes: Rudiments for a Naturalistic..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Blooming Flowers, Fish in Water, Amphibians, and Apes: Herder’s Environmental..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Coming to Terms: The Poetics of More-than-human Worlds, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Cross-Pollinating: Indigenous Frictions and Honeybee Fiction, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Eco-Animal Assemblages in Contemporary French Thought, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Empathy, Violence, and Guilt in a Girl-Chimp Experiment: An Analysis..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Holding on to Proteus; or, Toward a Poetics of Gaia, 2019.
- Middelhoff, How to Disappear Completely: Poetics of Extinction in Max Frisch’s..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Narrating le vivant: the Zoe-Poetical Hypothesis, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Other Environments: Ecocriticism and Science Fiction (Lem, Ballard, Dath), 2019.
- Middelhoff, Peirce on the Continuity between Human and Nonhuman Minds, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Preface, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Return to the Fable: Rethinking a Gerne Neglected in Animal..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, Texts, animals, environments: Zoopoetics and Ecopoetics, 2019.
- Middelhoff, The Beetle Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Animal..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, The Rabbits of Okunoshima: How Feral Rabbits Alter Space, Create..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, The Traces Animals Leave: A Zoopoetic Study of Rick Bass’..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, W. G. Sebald’s Zoopoetics: Writing after Nature, 2019.
- Middelhoff, Wolves and Wolf Men as Literary Tropes and Figures of..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, “II n ’y a pas de chats”: Feline Absence and/as..., 2019.
- Middelhoff, “Piping in their honey dreams”: Towards a Creaturely Ecopoetics, 2019.
- Middelhoff, “The jellyfish must have precedence!”: The Diaphanous Animal as an..., 2019.
- Müggenburg, Widerstand der Tiere, 2019.
- Naconecy, Animals In Brazil: Economic, Legal and Ethical Perspectives, 2019.
- Naconecy, Cases and Debates in the Brazilian Animal Rights’ Arena, 2019.
- Naconecy, Factors That Influence the Brazilian Ethos Regarding Animals, 2019.
- Naconecy, Food Animals in Brazil: Five Decades of Transformation, 2019.
- Naconecy, The Legal Protection of Animals in Brazil: An Overview, 2019.
- Nettleton, The Artist as Animal in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, 2019.
- Nightingale, Sam Nightingale's Para-photo-mancy, 2019.
- Nolte-Odhiambo, From Aetotemporal Becomings to Petophilic Hospitality: Liminal Pet and Child..., 2019.
- Oma, First Encounters: Domestication as Steps of Becoming, 2019.
- O’Key, Animal Borderlands: An Introduction, 2019.
- Paulis, COGITO in Space, 2019.
- Paust, Anthropomorphisieren – Zoologisieren, 2019.
- Paust, Das ausgestellte Tier: lebende und tote Tiere in der zeitgenössischen..., 2019.
- Paust, Das ausgestellte Tier, 2019.
- Paust, Die Schaulust am lebenden Tier: Der Blick auf ausgestellte Tiere..., 2019.
- Paust, Jemand oder etwas? Unser ambivalentes Verhältnis zu Tieren, 2019.
- Paust, Joseph Beuys und der Kojote. Wie das lebende Tier in..., 2019.
- Paust, Kunstfreiheit und Tierschutz im Recht, 2019.
- Paust, Performative Interspezieskunst im 21. Jahrhundert, 2019.
- Paust, Performative Taxidermie. Berlinde De Bruyckeres Pferde-Plastiken, 2019.
- Paust, Sterben auf AugenhöheTiere und Menschen im KriegTier und Tod. Vom..., 2019.
- Paust, Tier und Tod. Vom Umgang mit Kadavern in der Aktionskunst, 2019.
- Paust, Tier – Werk – Betrachter. Rezeptionsbedingungen vor und in Werken..., 2019.
- Paust, Vom Lebewesen zum Anschauungsobjekt. Ethisch relevante Facetten der Nutzung von..., 2019.
- Perlo, Defending PETA’s Dairy/Migrant Families Advert: Mother-love as an Ethical Model, 2019.
- Pietras, Zum Verhältnis von Sexismus und Speziesismus, 2019.
- Pocai, Berührung als die Grundoperation des In-Gebrauch-Nehmens der Tiere: Theorie und..., 2019.
- Porcher, Animal labor At the forefront of innovative research, 2019.
- Porcher, Animal labor: a new perspective on human-animal relations, 2019.
- Porcher, Are screen animals actors?, 2019.
- Porcher, Draft horses in viticulture Conditions for the co-creation of value, 2019.
- Porcher, Elmo and Paro Why one works and not the other,..., 2019.
- Porcher, For a new conservation para Interspecies labor: examples from human-elephant..., 2019.
- Porcher, From desolation to the creation of a common world Critical..., 2019.
- Porcher, Guide dogs Care workers, 2019.
- Porcher, Horses in the laboratory Conditioning and working, 2019.
- Porcher, Military and police dogs Weapons or colleagues?, 2019.
- Porcher, The wolf and the Patou dog Freedom and work, 2019.
- Pottmeier, Von Käfigen und Knästen, 2019.
- Pyke, Animal Visions: Posthumanist Dream Writing, 2019.
- Richon, The Animal’s Eye, 2019.
- Rieger, Von Kindern und Kätzchen, 2019.
- Rock, From ‘SciArt’ to ‘Art Science’, 2019.
- Roos, Goldfish, 2019.
- Roscher, Actors or Agents? Defining the Concept of Relational Agency in..., 2019.
- Russell, [Review] Lesley A. Sharp, Animal Ethos: The Morality of Human-Animal..., 2019.
- Scherer, Bernd Scherer: Curating the Anthropocene, 2019.
- Schlottmann, Food, animals, and the environment: an ethical approach, 2019.
- Schwerdtner, Gutes Essen für alle!, 2019.
- Scotton, Taming Technologies: Crowd Control, Animal Control and the Interspecies Politics..., 2019.
- Sharp, Animal ethos: the morality of human-animal encounters in experimental lab..., 2019.
- Shrumm, The Feejee Mermaid: An Object’s History, 2019.
- Simmons, Dana Simmons: Micrographs, 2019.
- Simms, Empire of Bones, 2019.
- Simons, [Review] Dan Wylie, Death and Compassion: The Elephant in Southern..., 2019.
- Simons, Obaysch: a hippopotamus in Victorian London, 2019.
- Singer, ‘Let’s Find Out! What Do I Make?’ [Review] Kathryn Gillespie,..., 2019.
- Snæbjörnsdóttir, Untying the Knots: Relational Art and Interspecific Encounter, 2019.
- Solakidi, Let Yourself be a Mirror, 2019.
- Spengler, An eclectic bestiary: encounters in a more-than-human world, 2019.
- Spengler, Arboreal Encounters in Richard Powers's The Overstory, 2019.
- Spengler, Blood on the Kitchen Table, 2019.
- Spengler, Cleveland Select, 2019.
- Spengler, Empathy with the Animal, 2019.
- Spengler, Flowers, 2019.
- Spengler, Hands: Transdifferent Encounters between Human and Nonhuman Animals, 2019.
- Spengler, Immanence is Bliss: The Ecological Imagination in Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s..., 2019.
- Spengler, Introduction: Multispecies Chronotopes— Keywords for Thinking Creatively Beyond the Human, 2019.
- Spengler, Martin Usborne’s Dogs: On Entangled Empathy in The Silence of..., 2019.
- Spengler, More Than Human? Dracula’s Monstrosity, 2019.
- Spengler, Notes on Thoreau's Posthuman Democracy, 2019.
- Spengler, Paws of Courage: The Heroization of Dogs in Contemporary American..., 2019.
- Spengler, Robert Lowell’s Hidden Cats: From Lord Weary’s Castle to Dolphin, 2019.
- Spengler, Sacred Pact or Overkill? Human-Bison Relations in North American Mythologies, 2019.
- Spengler, Skunk, 2019.
- Spengler, Strange Animals in Stylish Habitats: Marianne Moore’s Poetry Revisited, 2019.
- Spengler, The Beetles—Greatest Hits: The Rhythm ’n’ Sound of Insects, 2019.
- Spengler, The Decline of Humanity in a Post-Animal World: The Animal..., 2019.
- Spengler, The Lives of Trees, 2019.
- Spengler, Uninvited Collaborations with Nature, 2019.
- Spengler, Urban Animals, 2019.
- Spengler, Zoological Encounters, 2019.
- Spengler, “Revealing the Wellsprings of Power”: An Essay on the Social..., 2019.
- Spengler, “Strange Matings” and Cultural Encounters: Octavia Butler’s Fiction as “Companion..., 2019.
- Spengler, “The Citizenry of All Things Within One World”: Mary Oliver’s..., 2019.
- Splan, Embodied Objects, 2019.
- Stache, Über die Entstehung des tierischen Marxismus, 2019.
- Steen, Kontaktzone Zoo: Die kommunikative Aneignung von Zootieren, 2019.
- Stock, Gehmaschinen, 2019.
- Stripf, Honig für das Volk Geschichte der Imkerei in Deutschland, 2019.
- Suspanic, Move as Non-Human Migrators..., 2019.
- Sutherland, Animals in Advertising: War, Vulnerability, and the Return of the..., 2019.
- Sutton, [Review] Jacob Bull, Tora Holmberg and Cecilia Ösberg, editors, Animal..., 2019.
- Sutton, Managing the Borders: Static/Dynamic Nature and the ‘Management’ of ‘Problem’..., 2019.
- Szabo, Kingfisher, 2019.
- Tait, [Review] James Hevia, Animal Labor and Colonial Warfare. Chicago University..., 2019.
- Tait, Space on Par: A short performance for one performer, 2019.
- Taylor, The Cow Project: Analytical and Representational Dilemmas of Dairy Farmers’..., 2019.
- Tiffin, Many Happy Returns: Eradication, Re-Wilding and the Case of Lord..., 2019.
- Tokas, Die „Anthropomorphismus“-Debatte, 2019.
- Tokas, Disparität von Mensch und Welt, 2019.
- Traïni, The Animal Rights Struggle, 2019.
- Tuomivaara, Animals in the Sociologies of Westermarck and Durkheim, 2019.
- Tyler, Difficulties, 2019.
- Ullrich, Aus dem Leben eines Wolfs. Anthropozentrismus und Lykozentrismus in der..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Balthazars Widerstand. Tierlich-politisches Erzählen bei Bresson und mit Adorno, 2019.
- Ullrich, BIEN-ÄR. Wie Honigbienen erzählen und Menschen zuhören, 2019.
- Ullrich, Das Filmplakat zu Steven Spielbergs Jaws. Die Haiattacke als Angstmodell, 2019.
- Ullrich, Das Narrativ vom bösen Wolf in zeitgenössischen Bilderbüchern und im..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Das Theater der Insekten, 2019.
- Ullrich, Das Tier neu erzählen. Vom Lebensmittel zum Lebewesen, 2019.
- Ullrich, Den Habicht gegen den Strich lesen. Helen Macdonalds H Is..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Der Gesang der Motorsäge oder: Wovon erzählt der Leierschwanzvogel?, 2019.
- Ullrich, Für Tiere sprechen. Reichweite und Nachhaltigkeit von Für-Sprache am Beispiel..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Human-Elephant Encounters in Music, 2019.
- Ullrich, Im Affentheater. Eine Schauspielgeschichte als Geschichte anthropologischer Differenz, 2019.
- Ullrich, Mit anderen Augen, 2019.
- Ullrich, Mit den „Zungen der Natur“ sprechen. Imitierte Tierstimmen als Medien..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Mit Wölfen Lausitz erzählen. Werkstattbericht zum Multispecies Storytelling, 2019.
- Ullrich, Nach der Wendung. Zum Stand der Cultural and Literary Animal..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Resis Kuhrrehsort, 2019.
- Ullrich, Talking (of) Dogs. Überlegungen zu (dys)funktionalen Transspezies-Dialogen zwischen Hunden und..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Tiere erzählen ein Kriegstrauma. Juli Zehs Bosnientexte, 2019.
- Ullrich, Tiere erzählen, 2019.
- Ullrich, Tiere sprechen im Kunstunterricht, 2019.
- Ullrich, Tiergeschichte(n): Vergesellschaftung, Sozialgeschichte und Biographie, 2019.
- Ullrich, Tiergeschichten, 2019.
- Ullrich, Tierliche Agency in historischen Quellen? Überlegungen zu Chancen und Grenzen..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Tierliches Leben braucht Geschichte(n), 2019.
- Ullrich, Von der hilfreichen Kätzin zum Gestiefelten Kater, 2019.
- Ullrich, Wenn eine Eisbärin sprechen könnte, würden wir sie verstehen? Tiere,..., 2019.
- Ullrich, Wenn Tiere sich selbst erzählen. Zu einer Wissensgeschichte literarischer Autozoographien, 2019.
- Ullrich, Wie Tiere das Erzählen lernten. Titelseiten von illustrierten Fabelbüchern 1567–1900, 2019.
- Ullrich, „[…] hörte ich ein starckes verwirrtes Summen.“ Georg Friedrich Meiers..., 2019.
- Ullrich, „Seit ich am Knochen nagen konnte, wollte ich sprechen.“ Erzählende..., 2019.
- Ullrich, „zitti kitillabi billabi billabi“. Die Rolle der Tiere und ihrer..., 2019.
- Ulrich, Aus der Serie Pendants (2012 – 2015), 2019.
- Ulrich, Das Konzept Nonhuman Subjectivities. Aktuelle künstlerische Praktiken im Posthumanismus, 2019.
- Ulrich, Design und Mimesis. Eine Beziehung, 2019.
- Ulrich, Design und Mimesis: Nachahmung in Natur und Kultur, 2019.
- Ulrich, Die Stadt als Wald und der Wald als Stadt, 2019.
- Ulrich, Die »línea negra« als Weg aus eurozentrischen Kreativitäts- paradigmen. Zu..., 2019.
- Ulrich, Ecce Homo, A Hesitant Hatchling, Alte Meister, 2019.
- Ulrich, Mimesis und Architektur, 2019.
- Ulrich, Nachahmung und Notation. Untersuchung zeichnerischer Mimesis, 2019.
- Ulrich, Nachahmung und Notation, 2019.
- Ulrich, Playing dead. Thanatose und Schauspielkunst bei Tieren und Menschen, 2019.
- Ulrich, Raum und Biologie. Experimentelle Entwürfe, 2019.
- Ulrich, Subjects in the Making. Zu Verfahren der Mimesis in Katarina..., 2019.
- Ulrich, Undoing Species. Transspezies-Performances im 21. Jahrhundert, 2019.
- Ulrich, Wenn aus Natur Kultur entsteht – und umgekehrt. Die Bundesrepublik..., 2019.
- Ulrich, Wie digitale Mimesis und Virtual Reality die Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung..., 2019.
- Ulrich, »Ich sehe darin ein Kleid«. Aspekte von Natur und Mimesis..., 2019.
- Ulrich, »Quadrate« oder »Kohlblätter«. Nachahmung in der Ausbildung an reformierten Kunst-..., 2019.
- Ulrich, »Was von uns übrig bleibt«. Kommensalistische und symbiotische Strategien im..., 2019.
- Valiente-Riedl, Towards Multispecies Solidarity: Individual Stories of Learning to Consume Ethically, 2019.
- Vennen, Wissen unter Wasser, 2019.
- Villanueva, ‘Animals Are Their Best Advocates’: Interspecies Relations, Embodied Actions, and..., 2019.
- Wadiwel, Introduction: New Directions in Animal Advocacy, 2019.
- Wadiwel, ‘Fishing for Fun’: The Politics of Recreational Fishing, 2019.
- Wang, Mad dogs and other New Yorkers: rabies, medicine, and society..., 2019.
- Wardle, Life and Death with Horses: Gillian Mears’ Novel Foal’s Bread, 2019.
- Wawrzyniak, Tierwohl und Tierethik: empirische undmoralphilosophische Perspektiven, 2019.
- Wertheim, Crochet Coral Reef, 2019.
- Wesling, Animal Perception and Literary Language, 2019.
- Wilson, Aesthesis and perceptronium: on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and..., 2019.
- Wilson, Animal Encounters: A Genre of Contact, 2019.
- Woodward, [Review] David Brooks, The Grass Library. Brandl and Scheslinger, 2019...., 2019.
- Woodward, [Review] Michael Lundblad, editor, Animalities: Literary and Cultural Studies Beyond..., 2019.
- Woodward, [Review] Sue Coe, Zooicide: Seeing Cruelty, Demanding Abolition. With an..., 2019.
- Woodward, [Review] Vicki Hutton, A Reason to Live: HIV and Animal..., 2019.
- Wurgaft, Meat Planet: Artificial Flesh and the Future of Food, 2019.
- Young, Pet projects: animal fiction and taxidermy in the nineteenth-century archive, 2019.
- Young, Providence Under Glass, 2019.